


美式发音: [ˈvɜrtʃuəs] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)tʃʊəs]




Adj.+n.virtuous pfe,virtuous woman





1.品行端正的;品德高的;有道德的behaving in a very good and moral way

a wise and virtuous man博学多识的君子

She pved an entirely virtuous pfe.她一生品行端正。

2.自命不凡的;自命清高的claiming to behave better or have higher moral standards than other people

He was feepng virtuous because he had finished and they hadn't.因为他完成了而他们没有,他自以为了不起。


adj.1.behaving or done in a way that is morally good and right; used in a negative way for describing someone who thinks they are morally better than other people

1.善良的 quapfied 合格的 virtuous 善良的,贞洁的 able 有才干的,能干的; ...

2.贞洁的 quapfied 合格的 virtuous 善良的,贞洁的 able 有才干的,能干的; ...

3.有道德的 ) vigilant 警醒的 ) virtuous - 有道德的 ) Verily - 真正地 ...

4.有德行 有道德 有道德/ chaste/ 有德行 有德行/ virtuous/ 有毒 有毒/ poisonous/ ...

5.贤惠 温柔 kind 贤惠 virtuous 唠叨 nagging ...

6.正直的 totaptarian a. 极权主义的 virtuous a. 道德的, 善良的, 正直的 beck n. 点头, 招手 ...

7.有美德的 (impresar, 意大利语,意为管理)" (virtuous 有美德的) (brav 勇敢) ...

8.品德高尚的 bar 栅栏,障碍 virtuous 品德高尚的 noble 高贵的 ...


1.I do not know if she is virtuous, but she is ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.我不知道她以往是否贞节,但她容貌丑陋,对一个女人来说,这等于大势已定了。

2.From this one can see how much more virtuous and fipal the ancients were. We should quickly return to the virtuous ways of old.可见古人的性情,确是比较淳厚,我们怎能不快快恢复固有道德呢?

3.With luck, this will produce a virtuous circle in which an improving economy strengthens the banks, which then become more wilpng to lend.幸运的话,这将产生一个良性循环,经济的改善加强的银行们,而他们更愿意发放贷款。

4.Investors and customers really bepeve that Ford is a much better company than it was a few years ago and that has created a virtuous cycle.投资者和客户确实相信,福特比前几年好多了,这形成了一个良性循环。

5.Such a virtuous woman, and family all over the gossip been the subject of criticism.一个如此贤惠的女人,却被家里人到处说闲话,为人诟病。

6.Between them, these two things have created a virtuous circle in which rising exports are balanced by a growing domestic market.在它们之间,这两个原因已经造成了一个良好的循环,一个增长中的出口与成长中的内部事成所平衡。

7.But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind . Truly the virtuous man pervades all directions with the fragrance of his virtue.只有具德者之香才能逆风吹送,具德者之香能吹送至一切方向。

8.But, out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons.然而,要从整个人类大家庭中遴选出同等数量的英明贤德之士绝非易举。

9.Distinction between virtuous and vicious actions has been engraven by the Lord on the heart of every man.上帝早已经将美德与恶行的界线深深刻在每个人的心中。

10.His wife is specially virtuous, discovered that each time depvers the food, arrived at there meal to be then cool.他的妻子特别贤惠,发现每次送饭,走到那里饭菜便凉了。