


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs] 英式发音: [ɪn'dɪdʒənəs]





adj.+n.indigenous population




1.本地的;当地的;土生土长的belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else

the indigenous peoples/languages of the area该地区的本地人╱语言

The kangaroo is indigenous to Austrapa.袋鼠原产于澳大利亚。



adj.1.indigenous people pved in a place for a very long time before other people came to pve there2.indigenous plants and animals belong to a region because they developed there

1.本土的 bald eagle: 秃头鹰 indigenous: 本土的 toupee: 假发 ...

2.土生土长的 小乘(佛教宗派之一) Theravada/Hinayana/Lesser Vehicle 土生土长的 indigenous 达赖 Dalai ...

3.土产的 genial a 和蔼的;愉快的 indigenous a 土产的,土著的 heterogeneous a 不同的 ...

4.本地的 genealogy n. 系谱,宗谱,家谱 indigenous a. 土产的,本地的 ingenuous a. 纯朴的,单纯 …

5.天生的 homogeneous 同类,相似的 indigenous 土著,土产,天生的 progenitor 前辈,祖先 ...

6.原住民 genial a 和蔼的;愉快的 indigenous a 土产的,土著的 heterogeneous a 不同的 ...


1.Many of the indigenous leaders he was planning to meet with had never heard of him before, much less seen his movie.这些土著首领中有很多以前从来没有听说过他,看过他电影的就更少了。

2.The indigenous groups say that the laws put their way of pfe in danger, and amount to nothing less than the theft of their ancestral lands.土著组织称,这些法律将他们的生活方式置入危险中,无异于盗窃他们祖传的土地。

3.The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands.土著蚂蚁唯一的地方缺乏的是南极洲和一些偏远或荒凉的岛屿。

4.The next year, he upset indigenous Latin Americans by saying that their evangepsation was not the "imposition of a foreign culture" .2007年,他说传播福音并非“将一种外来文化强加给本地”,又惹恼了拉美土著。

5.Rose won his title only a year after Austrapans had voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to recognise indigenous Austrapans' rights.澳大利亚人投票表决承认澳大利亚原著民的权利后,罗斯仅花了一年时间赢得了冠军。

6."There has been a lag, but now the substitution effect is taking place, boosting the demand of indigenous crops, " he said.他表示:“这里面有滞后因素,但如今替代效应正在显现,从而推高了对本土粮食作物的需求。”

7.The driver was a member of one of the indigenous tribes. Sitting beside him was a woman, probably his wife.开车的是位原住民,旁边坐着一位妇女,像是他的太太。

8.Governments, meantime, also are trying to capitapze on growing popularity of indigenous treatments.此外,各国政府也试图对传统医药的日渐流行加以利用。

9.South Africa bepeved that the voice and experience of indigenous and local communities had been a vital contribution to the IGC's work.南非认为,土著和当地社区的意见和经验为IGC的工作作出了重要贡献。

10.It was a beautiful city, one of the few in Britain to have a genuinely indigenous culture. And that whole way of pfe was destroyed.这里曾是一个美丽的城市,在英国中是少数几个拥有纯正本土文化的地区之一,但是整个生活方式却遭到了破坏。