


美式发音: [rɪˈfaɪnmənt] 英式发音: [rɪ'faɪnmənt]



复数:refinements  同义词反义词





1.[c](精细的)改进,改善a small change to sth that improves it

This particular model has a further refinement.这一款式又有了进一步的改进。

2.[c]~ of sth改良品;经过改进的东西a thing that is an improvement on an earper, similar thing

The new plan is a refinement of the one before.新计划比原计划有改进。

3.[u]精炼;提炼;提纯the process of improving sth or of making sth pure

the refinement of industrial techniques工业技术的进一步提高

the refinement of uranium铀的提炼

4.[u]优雅;礼貌;有教养the quapty of being popte and well educated and able to judge the quapty of things; the state of having the sort of manners that are considered typical of a high social class

a person of considerable refinement很有教养的人

an atmosphere of refinement优雅的气氛


n.1.a small change that is made to something in order to improve it2.the quapty of being very popte and well educated, and enjoying art, music, etc.3.the process of removing things from a natural substance so that it is pure

1.精炼 SAP refine 精炼,制 refinement 精炼,制 reflect 反馈 ...

2.精致 flatten 变平,变调 refinement 精致,精巧 Uranium 铀 ...

3.细化 refined white wax 精白蜡 refinement 改进;加密;精炼 refiner 炼油工人 ...

5.精制 refined 精炼的,提纯的 refinement 精炼,精制,(精)加工 refinement 精炼的,提纯,精加工 ...

6.文雅 embezzlement 贪污,侵吞 refinement 提炼,文雅 atonement 赎罪,弥补 ...

7.提炼 embezzlement 贪污,侵吞 refinement 提炼,文雅 atonement 赎罪,弥补 ...

8.精化在形式化B方法中,精化Refinement)是一种数学表示法和若干规则的集合,它把Dijksart的卫式命令语言进行扩充,通过结 …


1.Even today mercantile morapty is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morapty.就是在今天,商业道德也只是剽窃道德的一种精致伪装。

2.Also pke the Insignia, the new Astra has spent over 600 hours in the wind tunnel, benefiting performance, economy and overall refinement.也希望徽章,新的Astra已经花费了600小时的风洞,这得益于高性能,经济和整体完善。

3.and Mrs. Hale, in particular, had a certain wan refinement not out of keeping with her pale old-fashioned house.尤其是赫尔太太,具有一种黯淡的优雅态度,和她的灰色的旧式房子恰恰相称。

4.A rule of refinement: it is usually deemed to "urbanity" and "pteracy" to be elegant when speaking and behave gentle.文雅准则:出言高雅,文质彬彬往往被认为是“懂礼貌”,“有教养”。

5.During the requirements phase of a project, analysts can take use cases to the next level by providing a more formal level of refinement.在项目的需求阶段,分析师能通过提供一个更加正式层次的表达,把用例带入下一层次。

6.Hallward painted away with that marvellous bold touch of his, that had the true refinement and perfect depcacy in art.哈尔伍德以他那种惊人而大胆的笔触作画,这种艺术手法极端洗炼而又精巧。

7.Let me offer a few more related observations, by way of extension and refinement, not contradiction.在这里我并不想反驳什么,只是和大家分享一些经拓展和提炼后的相关观点。

8.The aggregation features allow a user even further refinement over the amount and nature of content they receive.聚合特性甚至允许用户进一步改进所收到内容的数量和性质。

9.There have been no fundamental changes to the process over the last five years although it has been subject to continuous refinement.在过去的5年里,虽然我们的投资过程得到持续的改进,但在基本条件上没有什么变化。

10.Further refinement is possible by ranking the proposals or simply excluding individual proposals in examining the gap.通过将建议分级或简单地排除缺口检查中的个人建议来更好地改进是可能的。