


美式发音: [ˈjuθf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈjuːθf(ə)l]




adj.+n.youthful Figure





1.年轻人的;青年的;青春的typical of young people

youthful enthusiasm/energy/inexperience青春的激情╱活力;年轻人的幼稚

2.年轻的;显得年轻的young or seeming younger than you are

She's a very youthful 65.她 65 岁了,但显得非常年轻。

adj.1.青年(特有)的;年轻的,富有朝气的;年轻气盛的2.早期的,初期的;【地】= young. the youthful season of the year 春季

adj.1.typical of young people; someone who is youthful has many of the positive quapties considered to be typical of young people2.young

1.年轻的 consciousness 意识,知觉;觉悟 youthful 年轻的;2.朝气蓬勃的 anti-war 反战的 ...

2.青年的 youth n. 青春;青年们;青年 youthful a. 年轻的,青年的 zeal n. 热心,热情,热忱 ...

3.朝气 WAGGISH( 幽默可爱) Youthful朝气) Zeal( 热忱) ...

4.有青春活力的 young a. 年轻的 youthful a. 年青的,有青春活力的 wreath n. 花环、花圈 ...

5.青春的 Will( 意愿,意志) Youthful青春的) Zeal( 热情) ...


1.We're positive that this old city will continue to be one of the world's great cities in a new spirit of youthful enthusiasm.我们相信这座古老的城市将焕发出青春的气息,继续名列世界伟大城市之林。

2.Her youthful appearance now only exists in her mirror, the source of her pfe, as an illusion and nothing more.她年轻的外表,现在只存在于她的一面镜子,来源,她的生命,作为一个幻想而已。

3.With youthful enthusiasm, Apa presents math and physics in ways that make them easier for her students to understand.艾莉亚以充满年轻活力的热忱来教授数学和物理,并以深入浅出的方式让学生更易于理解。

4.His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himself in a steady, youthful way.像往常一样他把手放在我的腰部引导着我,嘴里哼着曲子,显得沉着冷静,朝气蓬勃。

5.Older men often date younger women in an attempt to recapture this lost state of youthful adventure, but it rarely, if ever, works.老牛经常希望通过和嫩草的约会中去尝试找回已经丢失的年轻刺激的感觉,但是这对很少,极少数人,起作用。

6.At the next instant, a youthful warrior passed between them, with a noiseless step, and seated himself on the bank of the rapid stream.接着,一个年轻的战士脚步很轻地走过他们两人之间,在急湍的小河边坐了下来。

7.That man has a more youthful beard, a hand held up in resolve and a photo of the burning World Trade Center.那个人有更年轻的胡子,一手坚定地举着燃烧的世贸大厦的照片。

8.The finger marks had deepened underneath her eyes, a languor came upon her; it made her the more sweet and youthful.她眼睛下面的指印显得更深了,她有点神思恍惚的样子;这就使她显得越发娇媚,越发年轻。

9.They were ducking one another, running to and fro with many cries, and plashing in the mud, a fine picture of youthful movement.把对方按进水中,在泥浆里跑过来,跑过去,喊声震耳,弄得水花四溅,构成一幅幅生气勃勃的快乐画面。

10.Today it is often possible to reach retirement age with one's good health and youthful energy intact.如今,当人们到达退休年龄时身体仍很健康并拥有年轻人的活力并不为怪。