


美式发音: [dʒeɪl] 英式发音: [dʒeɪl]





gaol— see alsojail,jailer




na.1.The variant of jail

1.监狱 kilometer/kilometre n. 千米,公里 jail/gaol n. 监狱,看守所 nose about/around 搜索,探问 ...

2.监禁 gang 一帮,一群,一伙 gaol 监狱;(不加冠词)监禁 garage 车库,飞机库;修车厂 ...

3.进监狱 改目的( goal) 进监狱( gaol) 串记:没有出路( exit) ...

4.班房 ◎ 班车[ regular bus] ◎ 班房[ jail;gaol;prison warel] ◎ 班机[ airpner;pner;regular fpght] ...

5.坐牢 ... gang n.一群;一伙;(歹徒等的)一帮; v.结成一伙;结伙袭击 gaol n.监狱; v.(使)坐牢;监禁; = gaoler n.监狱长; …

6.见 gamble n 投 机,冒险 gaol jail garbage n 垃圾,废料;废话 ...

7.参观监狱 scope 范围 gaol 囹圄 kindergarten 幼儿园 ...


1.Rilke used to say that no poet would mind going to gaol, since he would at least have time to explore the treasure house of his memory.里尔克曾经常常说,诗人都不会介意蹲监狱,因为那样他至少有时间探索他记忆的宝库。

2.The prisoner broke away from his guards while being taken to another gaol.那名囚犯在转狱途中挣脱看守逃走了。

3.When you own healthy placid state of mind, set your gaol correctly, make your pfe relaxing and let yourself be bearable .当你拥有健全平和的心态,正确地树立前进的目标,让生活不在沉重的氛围里度过,不会把自己搞得太累。

4.Although coal industry had many favorable conditions for exploiting coal-series gaol in, there exist some problems.煤炭行业开发利用煤系高岭土具有许多有利的条件,但也存在一些问题。

5.All were detained in the Salem Gaol, a grim edifice of granite blocks, iron-barred windows and brick-walled cells.所有人都被拘禁在萨勒姆监狱中,这是一栋花岗岩砌成的大楼,铁窗森严,石壁牢固。

6.The whole family must go to gaol or commit suicide unless such a bill could be paid.不付账的话,她一家子不坐牢就得自杀。

7.The gaol, they say, is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.他们说,目的是创建用肥皂洗手的文化。

8.Of course you should make it clear that what your gaol is.当然是明白你的目标是什么啦。

9.A character remarks at the end that he has seen many of the old black and white gaol movies from the US.其中一个人物在片末评论自己曾经看过许多来自美国的陈年黑白监狱电影。

10.1897 - Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol.1897年的今天,奥斯卡·王尔德从雷丁监狱中被释放。