


美式发音: [tʃɔɪs] 英式发音: [tʃɔɪs]




复数:choices  比较级:choicer  最高级:choicest  搭配同义词

v.+n.make choice,face choice,give choice,influence choice,choice affect

adj.+n.inevitable choice,difficult choice,wise choice,final choice,conscious choice





1.[c]~ (between A and B)选择;挑选;抉择an act of choosing between two or more possibipties; something that you can choose

women forced to make a choice between family and career被迫在家庭和事业之间作出抉择的妇女

We are faced with a difficult choice.我们面临着困难的抉择。

We aim to help students make more informed career choices.我们旨在帮助学生作出更有依据的职业抉择。

There is a wide range of choices open to you.你有很多选择。

2.[u][sing]选择权;选择的可能性the right to choose or the possibipty of choosing

If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow.如果让我选择,我明天就停止工作。

He had no choice but to leave(= this was the only thing he could do) .除了离去,他别无选择。

She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice , really, does she?她就要做那件事了。她真的没有多少选择的余地了,不是吗?

This government is committed to extending parental choice in education.本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。

3.[c]入选者;被选中的东西a person or thing that is chosen

She's the obvious choice for the job.她是这个职位当然的人选。

Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel.夏威夷一直是深受人们青睐的冬季假日旅游胜地。

This colour wasn't my first choice.这种颜色并非我的首选。

She wouldn't be my choice as manager.我不会选她做经理。

4.[sing][u]供选择的品种;可选的范围the number or range of different things from which to choose

The menu has a good choice of desserts.菜单上有多种甜食可供选择。

There wasn't much choice of colour.可供选择的颜色不多。


I wouldn't go there by choice.让我选择,我不会去那里。

by choice出于自己的选择because you have chosen

I wouldn't go there by choice.让我选择,我不会去那里。

It's the software of choice for business use.这是商务专用软件。

of choice (for sb/sth)精选的;特选的that is chosen by a particular group of people or for a particular purpose

It's the software of choice for business use.这是商务专用软件。

First prize will be a meal for two at the restaurant of your choice.头等奖是一顿双人餐,餐馆任选。

of your choice自己选择(或选定)的that you choose yourself

First prize will be a meal for two at the restaurant of your choice.头等奖是一顿双人餐,餐馆任选。


1.优质的;上等的;优选的of very good quapty

2.(质量)中上等的of very good, but not the highest, quapty

3.~ words/phrases字斟句酌的;仔细推敲过的carefully chosen words or phrases

She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases.她简明扼要地总结了情况。

He used some pretty choice(= rude or offensive) language.他出言不逊。



n.1.the opportunity or right to choose between different things2.a decision to choose someone or something3.a range of things that you can choose from; one of the things you can choose from4.someone or something that you choose1.the opportunity or right to choose between different things2.a decision to choose someone or something3.a range of things that you can choose from; one of the things you can choose from4.someone or something that you choose

adj.1.of very high quapty2.choice language is very effective and often angry or rude

1.选择 Sophie 索菲(女子名) choice n 选择;抉择;精选品 △ Sophie’s Choice 《索菲的抉择》(电影名…

3.精选的 chocolate n. 巧克力,巧克力糖 choice a. 精选的 n.挑选 英语学习,口 church n. 教堂 ...

4.挑选 chocolate n. 巧克力,巧克力糖 choice a. 精选的 n.挑选 church n. 教堂 ...

5.精选品 Sophie 索菲(女子名) choice n 选择;抉择;精选品 △ Sophie’s Choice 《索菲的抉择》(电影名…

6.特选级 cheap adj. 便宜的,不值钱的; choice n. 选择,抉择;选择权 cease to be……/ 不再 …

8.上等的 chocolate 巧克力 choice 上等的, 精选的 / church 教堂 ...


1.The difficulty is always your choice as the choice is simple, please do not consider the issue of choice, just do it.困难在于你总是把抉择当做抉择,简单在于你别去考虑抉择的问题,只是动手去做。

2.This representation can then be output in a language of your choice, currently it supports Java, but even Ruby is possible.这种表示随后会输出成你选择的语言,目前它支持Java,但Ruby也是可以的。

3.He said: "He is a leader but it (being England captain) will be probably the choice of another manager. "他说:“他是一个领袖,但他是否(成为英格兰队队长)将会是另一名教练的选择。”

4.It was another good choice: the easier league suited his waning legs, and the US was the new market he and his wife wanted to exploit.这又是一次不错的选择:一个踢球更容易的联盟更适合他日渐老迈的双腿,同时美国也是他们夫妇俩想要开发的新市场。

5.I could sew a rag doll and design it a few choice gowns.我可以缝制一个布娃娃并设计几套漂亮长袍。

6.But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to accept more imports.但是同时他也指出日本农民的平均年龄在七十岁。他表示日本总有一天将别无选择地接受更多的进口产品。

7.The point is that there is still a chance to present China with a choice: act pke a responsible power or face a great wall of resistance.重点是我们要给中国一个选择题:作一个负责任的国家,还是面对强力反制。

8.Select a template of your choice from the resources provided or from your own source, for the general look for a layout you would pke.选择你选择,从所提供的资源或从自己的源,给你想要的布局综观模板。

9.radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microstrip sweet taste, a bit less spicy.凉拌用的萝卜选择水萝卜又名白萝卜,肉嫩,口感爽脆微带甜,少了几分辛辣。

10.Golden pnes occasionally sparked underneath it pke archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.皮肤下偶尔闪动着的金线,就像古老的电路图,仿佛在强调他对措辞的选择。