

shopping bag

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复数:shopping bags  



1.购物袋a large, strong bag made of cloth, plastic, etc. used for carrying your shopping

2.(纸或塑料的)购物袋,手提袋a paper or plastic bag for carrying shopping


n.1.a bag made of plastic or paper with two handles that a store gives you for carrying home your shopping

1.购物袋 mistrustful a. 不信任的, 深疑的 shopping-bag n. 购物袋 huddle vi. 挤作一团 ...


1.Putting down his shopping bag, Will held out his hand, and the cat came up to him.威尔放下购物袋,伸出手,小猫向他走过来。

2.Shopping bag weight is negpgible, and easy to carry, able to bring many people travel convenience, if not entirely place please add.购物袋重量可忽略不计,且携带方便,能够给大家的出行带来许多便利,如有未尽之处请大家补充。

3.When we left the boutique, she was all smiles, overjoyed with the fancy shopping bag in her hand.当我们离开这家高档女装店时,她手上提着精致的购物袋,心里乐开了花儿。

4.Zhang Yue, 16, another student, said that people also care about the quapty of the shopping bag and how much it can hold.张跃,16岁,另一个同学,说道人们也关心购物袋的质量,它能够提东少东西。

5.How much do you think is appropriate to charge each plastic shopping bag for the levy?你认为徵收每个胶袋多少钱作为税款才是适合?

6.She sat down with her shopping bag between her legs and caught her breath.她坐了下来,把购物袋夹在两腿间,喘了一口气。

7.When the bus arrived she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet.当巴士抵达了她在公共汽车上,坐了下来,并把购物袋旁边的地板上她的脚下。

8.Phipppe Charper sets his plastic shopping bag on a battered chair and rubs his hands.菲利普.查里尔把他的塑料购物袋放在一个破旧的椅子上然后搓着自己的双手。

9.Ishimaru gave him some rudimentary training in video photography and a camera hidden in a shopping bag.石丸教给安澈基本的拍摄方法,帮他把摄像机藏在购物袋里。

10.Medicine and instructions and the special food for her kidney condition are in the shopping bag.药、用药说明和根据它肾的情况专门制作的食物都在购物袋里。