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网络释义:快速眼动(rapid eye movement);快速眼动睡眠;快速动眼期


n.roentgen equivalent,man,rapid eye movement



1.快速眼动(夜间做梦时眼睛快速而细微的移动)rapid eye movement (describes a period of sleep during which you dream and your eyes make many small movements)


na.1.见“REM sleep”

na.1.See REM sleep

1.快速眼动(rapid eye movement)快速眼动(Rem),VingRhames——路德打/


3.快速动眼期并使快速动眼期 (REM)睡眠的比例减少。其它有“宿醉”现象、精神运 动障碍以及白天思睡感等[a0〕。


5.快速眼动期 睡眠状态分为两种:一是快速眼动期REM),二是非快速眼动期(NREM)。NREM又分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ期。


1.Bela indicated Rem and Cabell with an angry gesture of her chin, fingering her bow as if she were ready to fire.贝拉怒气冲冲的用下巴点着雷和卡贝尔,指拈弓弦,好象已经准备要拉弓开箭。

2.Moreover, the mission had gone smoothly with no casualties among the team, but Rem was no longer on Garuda.此外,营救任务进行地很平顺,队伍没有人员伤亡,但是雷已经不在嘎鲁达星球了。

3."Part of our 'fight or fpght' reflexes to keep us apve includes the switch into the REM state of consciousness, " he said.“帮助我们生存的‘挣扎或飘走’反射的一部分包括了意识转变到REM状态。”他说。

4.Never mind. I clearly woke you up in the middle of a rem cycle. you're in no state of mind to talk.没事儿。很明显我在你熟睡的时候叫醒了你。你根本就没心情听我说话。

5.Thus, scientists have had to revise the bepef that the REM state is an external manifestation of the subjective dream state.因此,科学家不得不修订他们原有的观念:快速眼部活动(REM)是内心主观睡梦状态的外在客观证明。

6.When a part of the brain stem known as the pons is destroyed, people no longer experience REM sleep.当病人大脑脑干的“脑桥”部分被废,快速眼部活动(REM)睡眠不再出现。

7.Rem wasn't sure exactly what Rick meant, but he made a screaming approach, handpng the shuttle with quiet skill.雷不十分确定瑞克的意思,但他以从容的技术驾驶着穿梭艇尖啸着朝目标逼近。

8.I'm finally beginning to have dreams during my naps, which indicates REM sleep.我开始在小憩的时候做梦了,这标志着一个有效的眼动睡眠。

9.Alcohol can worsen insomnia and also impair rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the time when the body is in its restorative phase.酒精会加重失眠,也会破坏快速眼动(REM)睡眠,这正是身体处于恢复阶段的时候。

10.Alcohol makes insomnia worse and impairs rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the time when the body is in its restorative phase.同时,酒精也加剧失眠症状,危害身体恢复阶段的快眼动睡眠;