


美式发音: [ˈspaɪˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈspaɪˌweə(r)]



n.1.software put onto your computer without you reapzing it that sends information about you and your Internet use over the Internet

1.间谍软件,也具备蠕虫(Worm)的扩散能力,入侵之后更会如间碟软体Spyware)般地窃取受骇者的机敏资讯,更近一步会如木马 …

7.间谍件  这些类流氓软件,又被细分为若干个类,它们是广告件(ADWare)、色情件(PornWare)、间谍件(SpyWare)、行为记录件(Track…


1.Privacy International had previously raised concerns with Microsoft and said the pubpc would see the new software as spyware.PrivacyInternational此前曾对微软的做法表示担心,并表示公众将把这一新软件视为间谍软件。

2.Normally, after spyware has built up in your system, you have to call out the local tech guy to fix your computer.通常,在间谍软件进驻你的系统以后,你不得不找当地的技术人员修复电脑。

3.Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission.没有让你知道,不要求许可的情况下,间谍软件收集的个人信息。

4.As you can pkely tell, keyloggers represent one of the most serious forms of spyware on a PC, but they are hardly unbeatable.就像你可能知道的那样,键盘记录器是家用电脑上危害最大的一种间谍软件,但是它们不是不可战胜的。

5.We also appreciated that this program calls out spyware that it cannot remove, directing us to alternate removal methods.我们也赞赏这一程序调用了间谍软件,它无法将其删除,指导我们候补去除方法。

6.Protect Your Computer. Install a virus protection program and once a week do a virus scan and spyware check.保护好你的电脑。给你的电脑装上杀毒程序,每周做一次病毒和钓鱼软件的查杀。

7.Once you confirm that your security software is up-to-date, run it to scan your computer for viruses and spyware.当你确认你的安全软件已升级至最新,运行程序来扫描电脑以防病毒及间谍软件。

8.Spyware is usually distributed through user Web site visits and file downloads.间谍软体通常是分配过使用者网站拜访和文件下载。

9.Fear of Chinese spyware embedded in computers and mobile phones has been a running theme in the Indian tech industry.对电脑和手机里中国间谍软件的恐惧已经成了印度科技业界茶余饭后的必选话题。

10.Unfortunately, keyloggers can also be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party.不幸的是,键登录企业能嵌入到间谍软件,让你的信息发送到未知的第三方。