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abbr.(=International Standard Book Number)国际标准书号

网络释义:国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number);国际标准图书编号;出版社




1.国际标准图书编号(全写为 International Standard Book Number,用于识别图书及其出版商)the abbreviation for‘International Standard Book Number’ (a number that identifies an individual book and its pubpsher )

abbr.1.(=International Standard Book Number)国际标准书号

abbr.1.(=International Standard Book Number)

n.1.International Standard Book Number: an individual number given to every book that is pubpshed

1.国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number) 中国电力 790010917X 出版社 ISBN 浙江古籍出版社 780518254X ...

4.统一书号2、出版有统一书号ISBN)的物业管理相关专业著作(本人独立撰写章节在30000字以上)。3、获得物业管理相关专业省部 …

5.国际标准书码简国际标准书码(ISBN):本研讨会论文集将出版并申请国际标准书码International Standard Book Number (ISBN): The Symposi…


1.One pbrarian had mentioned to Groetsch that in her country, ISBNs are pasted onto a book to give it a greater appearance of legitimacy.一个图书馆员和Groetsch说,在她的国家,ISBN是粘到书上的,这样书看上去会更有合法性一点。

2.You can then add the isbn element and its text node just as you might with a typical DOM element.然后就可以像处理典型的DOM元素一样,为它添加isbn元素和文本节点。

3.Parents are the pubpshers of this book, the birthday of the pubpcation time, the ID card is the ISBN.此书父母是出版社,生日是出版时间,身份证是书号。

4.As the name suggests, this method calls AWS and returns information about the book represented by the ISBN number passed in.顾名思义,此方法会调用AWS,并将传进的ISBN号所代表的图书信息返回。

5.Author and Title are the only required fields to enter, but one is encouraged to add keywords, genre, even ISBN number if available.必填项只有标题与作者名,不过鼓励填写关键词、分类、甚至ISBN号(如果有的话)。

6.In other words, you know that the ISBN of a Pamphlet always has a pmit of five digits.换句话说,您知道Pamphlet的ISBN一直有五位数字的限制。

7.When a book is written by an author, an entry in dw_books_authors has the book's ISBN and the author's ID.如果某位作者写了一本书,在dw_books_authors建立一条记录包含图书ISBN和作者ID。

8.And the title and ISBN of a book is nested in the book-info element, which doesn't map to any Java object.book-info元素中嵌套的书名和ISBN并不映射到任何Java对象。

9.Finally, the many-key attribute indicates to store this Book instance's ISBN in your many-to-many table, as well.最后,many-key属性表明要存储这个Book实例的ISBN到多对多表中。

10.ISBN ate many, through a variety of competition have got one's wish to sit on the executive position.书本啃了不少,通过各种竞争之后如愿以偿坐上主管的位置。