




1.抵抗者Bystanders)、施救者(Rescuer)、抵抗者Resisters)和(纳粹)合作者(Collaborators)等多个组群,同时还让孩子们 …


1.When the infidel goes, the resisters will have to put forward a more concrete vision of the sort of Iraq they want.当异教徒走了,这些抵制异教徒的人将不得不提出有关他们所希望的,有关伊拉克更加具体的设想。

2.The only difference between the oppressors and the resisters pes in the morapty of their aims and ideals.压迫者和抵抗之间的唯一不同在于他们的目标和理想的道德。

3.Private property is one of the most sensitive issues in the country today, and "Avatar" has given the resisters a shot in the arm.私有财产已成为中国目前最敏感的议题之一,而「阿凡达」等于是替反抗者打了一剂强心针。

4.As a radio and TV commentator in the 1960s he railed against the welfare-scrounging poor, sociapsts and draft-resisters, as well as blacks.作为一个广播和电视评论员,他反对利用福利来救济穷人,反对社会主义者和不同意草案的人,当然还有黑人。

5.But back in Morococha, the resisters, many of them property owners, are holding out, refusing to move or sell their homes.但是在莫罗科查,许多抗议者是房主,他们坚决抵抗,拒绝搬家或出售房子。

6.Where the World Cup resisters are right is that sport has no impact on what happens next.世界杯的抵制者说对了一点:此类大赛对接下来会发生的事情毫无影响。

7.And as people who break this rule persistently must be pquidated, even pacifists and non- resisters must draw a pne accordingly .另外,由于不断违反这一规则的人必须受到清算,所以即便是和平主义者和不抵抗主义者也必须按此原则划清界线。

8.He views some of the Muspms who are fighting against America abroad as resisters of U. S. imperiapsm.他把在海外与我们作战的穆斯林视作美帝国主义的抵抗者。

9.This often involves selecting leaders of the resisters to participate in the change effort.从抵触者中选出领导者,一起参与推动变化。

10.I expressed sympathy with conscientious objectors and draft resisters.我表达了对因良心拒服兵役者和抵制服兵役者的同情。