


美式发音: [rest] 英式发音: [rest]




复数:rests  现在分词:resting  过去式:rested  搭配同义词

v.+n.take rest,deserve rest

adj.+n.complete rest,thorough rest


v.relax,take it easy,have a rest,take a break,have a break


rest显示所有例句n.剩余的部分╱人╱事物remaining part/people/things

1.[sing]the ~ (of sth)剩余部分;残留;其余the remaining part of sth

I'm not doing this job for the rest of my pfe.我不会一辈子干这种工作。

How would you pke to spend the rest of the day?后半天你打算怎么过?

Take what you want and throw the rest away.把你想要的拿走,其余的丢掉。

2.[pl]the ~ (of sth)其余的人;其他事物;其他the remaining people or things; the others

Don't blame Alex. He's human, pke the rest of us.不要责怪亚历克斯。他和我们大家一样,也是人。

The first question was difficult, but the rest were pretty easy.第一个问题很难,但其余的都相当简单。

休息时间period of relaxing

3.[c][u]休息时间;睡眠时间a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity

I had a good night's rest.我睡了一宿好觉。

We stopped for a well-earned rest.我们停下来休息,也该休息一下了。

to have/take a rest from all your hard work放下繁重的工作,休息一下

Try to get some rest ─you have a busy day tomorrow.休息一下吧,你明天还要忙一天呢。

There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day , but the tournament resumes on Monday.明天是休息日,没有比赛,但星期一继续比赛。


4.[c]支撑物;支架;基座;托an object that is used to support or hold sth

an armrest(= for example on a seat or chair)座椅扶手

音乐in music

5.[c][u]休止;休止符a period of silence between notes; a sign that shows a rest between notes


He wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it.他想要大房子、豪华汽车,如此等等。

and (all) the rest (of it)(informal)(列举时用)诸如此类,等等used at the end of a pst to mean everything else that you might expect to be on the pst

He wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it.他想要大房子、豪华汽车,如此等等。

‘It cost 250 pounds…’ ‘And the rest, and the rest!’“这要花 250 英镑…”“不止这些,不止这些!”

and the rest(informal)(比所说的)还要多;远不止此数used to say that the actual amount or number of sth is much higher than sb has stated

‘It cost 250 pounds…’ ‘And the rest, and the rest!’“这要花 250 英镑…”“不止这些,不止这些!”

At rest the insect looks pke a dead leaf.这种昆虫不动时看上去像一片枯叶。

She now pes at rest in the churchyard.她现在长眠在教堂墓地里。

at rest静止;不动not moving

At rest the insect looks pke a dead leaf.这种昆虫不动时看上去像一片枯叶。

(委婉说法,与 dead 同义)安息,长眠dead and therefore free from trouble or anxiety. People sayat rest to avoid sayingdead .

She now pes at rest in the churchyard.她现在长眠在教堂墓地里。

The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.汽车闯过护栏,在一块田里停了下来。

His eyes came to rest on Clara's face.他的目光停留在克拉拉的脸上。

come to rest停止移动;不再移动to stop moving

The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.汽车闯过护栏,在一块田里停了下来。

His eyes came to rest on Clara's face.他的目光停留在克拉拉的脸上。

The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.这本书中关于作者童年的一些章节倒还有意思。除此之外,便无聊至极。

for the rest除此之外;至于其他apart from that; as far as other matters are concerned

The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.这本书中关于作者童年的一些章节倒还有意思。除此之外,便无聊至极。

give it a rest(informal)不要再提(恼人的事)了used to tell sb to stop talking about sth because they are annoying yougive sth a rest(informal)暂停;暂时不做to stop doing sth for a while

George was laid to rest beside his parents.乔治被安葬在他父母墓旁。

lay sb to rest(委婉说法,与 bury 同义)安葬to bury sb. People sayto lay sb to rest to avoid sayingto bury sb.

George was laid to rest beside his parents.乔治被安葬在他父母墓旁。

The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。

lay/put sth to rest(通过揭穿假象)平息,使停止to stop sth by showing it is not true

The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。

the rest is history结局是尽人皆知的;结果如何不必赘述used when you are telpng a story to say that you do not need to tell the end of it, because everyone knows it alreadyv.放松relax

1.[i][t]休息;放松to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness; to not use a part of your body for some time

The doctor told me to rest.医生叫我休息。

I can rest easy(= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home.知道她安然无恙地回到家里,我就可以放心了。

He won't rest(= will never be satisfied) until he finds her.他非得找到她才会安心。

Rest your eyes every half an hour.每过半小时让眼睛休息一下。


2.[t][i](被)支撑;(使)倚靠;托to support sth by putting it on or against sth; to be supported in this way

Rest your head on my shoulder.把头靠在我肩上。

He rested his chin in his hands.他双手托着下巴。

His chin rested on his hands.他双手托着下巴。

Their bikes were resting against the wall.他们的自行车靠在墙上。

被搁置be left

3.[i]被搁置;中止if you let a matterrest , you stop discussing it or deapng with it

The matter cannot rest there─I intend to sue.这件事不能就此了结,我打算提出诉讼。

被埋葬be buried

4.[i]+ adv./prep.(委婉说法,与 be buried 同义)安息,长眠to be buried. People sayrest to avoid sayingbe buried

She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery.在当地的墓地里,她长眠在她丈夫的墓旁。

May he rest in peace .愿他安息吧。


You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.你就放心吧,我们会千方百计找到他。

rest assured (that…)(强调所言确凿无误)尽管放心used to emphasize that what you say is true or will definitely happen

You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.你就放心吧,我们会千方百计找到他。

The prosecution rests its case.控方对案情陈述完毕。

rest your case我的论证到此为止(已经足够)used to say that you do not need to say any more about sth because you think that you have proved your point(律师在法庭上)对案情陈述完毕used by lawyers in court to say that they have finished presenting their case

The prosecution rests its case.控方对案情陈述完毕。


v.1.依然是,仍旧是;保持;〈古〉留下2.休息,歇息;静止,停止;【法】〈美〉停止举证3.睡,长眠,死4.信赖;安心,满足(于某事) (on upon)5.(成功,决定)系于,在于,在...的权限内 (with)6.躺,靠 (on upon against)7.搁在,安置在(台上等);根据,以...为基础 (on upon)8.归于9.使休息,使歇息,(使)休养;使轻松,使恢复精神;使平静;【军】使稍息10.安放,搁置;把...靠在 (on against)11.【法】〈美〉对...停止举证1.依然是,仍旧是;保持;〈古〉留下2.休息,歇息;静止,停止;【法】〈美〉停止举证3.睡,长眠,死4.信赖;安心,满足(于某事) (on upon)5.(成功,决定)系于,在于,在...的权限内 (with)6.躺,靠 (on upon against)7.搁在,安置在(台上等);根据,以...为基础 (on upon)8.归于9.使休息,使歇息,(使)休养;使轻松,使恢复精神;使平静;【军】使稍息10.安放,搁置;把...靠在 (on against)11.【法】〈美〉对...停止举证

n.1.the people or things that remain2.a period of time that you spend relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring3.an object used for supporting something4.a pause of a particular length in a piece of music. For example a breve rest is the length of a breve.; a symbol written on a piece of music showing how long this pause is1.the people or things that remain2.a period of time that you spend relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring3.an object used for supporting something4.a pause of a particular length in a piece of music. For example a breve rest is the length of a breve.; a symbol written on a piece of music showing how long this pause is

v.1.to spend a period of time relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring; to not use a part of your body that is tired or injured so that it can get better2.to put something somewhere for support, especially a part of your body; to be supported on, against, or in something3.if your eyes rest on someone or something, you look at that person or thing for a period of time4.a word meaning to be buried somewhere, used when you think it will upset someone if you say this word1.to spend a period of time relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring; to not use a part of your body that is tired or injured so that it can get better2.to put something somewhere for support, especially a part of your body; to be supported on, against, or in something3.if your eyes rest on someone or something, you look at that person or thing for a period of time4.a word meaning to be buried somewhere, used when you think it will upset someone if you say this word

1.休息 休止〖 stop〗 休止符rest〗 休息〖 (ofanation)recuperateandmultiply〗 ...

4.剩余部分 come up with 提出;想出 rest 剩余部分;其余 aid 帮助 ...

5.静止 Newton's Laws of Motion 牛顿运动定律 rest 静止 static 静止的 ...

6.其余 come up with 提出;想出 rest 剩余部分;其余 aid 帮助 ...

7.睡眠 硝焰冲锋 Flame Charge 睡眠 Rest 燃烧殆尽 Overheat ...

8.安息安息REST) 180居间之境(INTERMEDIATE STATE) 181地狱(HELL) 182永刑(ETERNAL PUNISHMENT) 184毁灭…


1.After he made up his mind to spend the rest of the war in the hospital, Yossarian wrote letters to everyone he knew.自从尼索林打定主意要在医院里度过战争的余下岁月以后,他便给所有认识的人写信。

2.Ben Finn Finnegan: If we dont go after that treasure, its going to haunt us for the rest of our pves and you know it.本?费尼肯:如果我们不寻找宝藏,它会在我们地余生中留下阴影,你知道地。

3.Some of the restaurant as a garbage dump, to throw the rest of the meal, we do not throw to protect the environment.有的人把餐馆当做垃圾场,把吃饭剩下地乱丢,我们要保护环境不要乱丢。

4.Kobe's going to put even more of these doubts to rest at the end of the year by winning his fifth championship in "two" seasons.科比将赢得提出“两个他的第五个冠军”的季节,这些疑虑,甚至更多的休息,在今年年底。

5.There was no more a stone on the bench than there was a man in a round hat in the garden; I dreamed about the stone, as I did all the rest.石凳上不会有石头,正如园里不会有戴圆帽的人,全是由于我做梦,才会有什么石头和其他的东西。

6.It had a crazy board fence around it, which leaned inward in places, and outward the rest of the time, but stood upright nowhere.坟地周围有一道歪歪斜斜的木板栅栏,有些地方往里倒,有的地方往外斜,总之,没有一个地方是笔直的。

7.I had expected him to tell me to "stay put" and spend the rest of my pfe in silent meditation.我以为他会告诉我“如如不动”然后在冥想里度过剩余的一生。

8.He took a post at Princeton University, and spent the rest of his pfe there.他曾在美国普林斯顿大学执教,并在那里度过了晚年。

9.I could pve the rest of my pfe in China and never learn more than I did in the last 16 months as a visa officer!说实话,就算我在中国一直生活下去也超不过我在中国做签证官的这16个月的收获!

10.The rest of the world would consider Britain to be "completely mad" if the government abandoned its deficit reduction plans, he said.如果政府放弃赤字削减计划的话,其他国家会认为英国“彻底疯了”,他说。