


美式发音: [dɪˈsperɪŋ] 英式发音: [dɪˈspeərɪŋ]









1.表示绝望的;感到绝望的;没有希望的showing or feepng the loss of all hope

a despairing cry/look/sigh绝望的呼声╱神情╱叹息

With every day that passed he became ever more despairing.随着日子一天天过去,他越来越绝望。



adj.1.feepng that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do will change it

v.1.The present participle of despair

1.绝望的 sole 单独的,唯一的 despairing [见上] 绝望的 utensil 用具 ...

2.感到绝望的 desperation n. 绝望 despairing a. 感到绝望的 despair n. 绝望,失望 ...

3.失望的 despair 失望 despairing 失望的 despatch 发送;解决 ...

4.自暴自弃的 digestion 消化 despairing 自暴自弃的 digital 数位的 ...

5.稍受挫折军心垮echnocratic)、犬儒(cynical)、无望despairing)、暴力、压制……等恐怖手段之缺失,因此,与其寄望於现代性知识的 …


1.The oil of good cheer to the downhearted one -- Oh, how much it may mean! The word of courage to the despairing. Speak it.把策励的油送给失意的人,向绝望的人说句鼓舞的话吧——哦,这是多美的一件事!

2.China has never been in denial about global warming but its leaders increasingly seem to be almost despairing about it in the short-term.中国从未否认全球变暖的问题,但从短期来看,中国领导人似乎对这个问题越来越近乎绝望。

3.As he hurried into the company building he was worried, though not to the extent of despairing.带着他那种虽未失望然而焦灼的心情,他匆匆地跑进益中公司去了。

4.Threes are despairing piggy to say: "You see the Zhao do, we gave up, with you how the Mo do. "三只小猪绝望的说:“你看著办吧,我们放弃了,随你怎麽办。”

5.That Used to Be Us, the title of one of many books in this new subgenre, captured the despairing mood of American eptes.《那曾经是我们》一书很好的记载了这一趋势。书中精确地抓住了美国中坚分子的失望情绪。

6.A year and a half later, just as officers were despairing of every hearing of him again, he reappeared on parade.一年以后,当军官们已经对找到他不报有任何希望的时候,他又大摇大摆地回来了。

7.His simple insight was that many suicides could be averted if the despairing had emotional support in their darkest hour.他对此事的理解很简单,即如果陷入绝望的人在他最无助的时刻有了精神支持,那么他们中许多人就能避免自杀的悲剧。

8.She looked despairing when her cousin took all her treasures from her.她的堂兄把她的那些宝贝宝贝夺走时,她看起来很绝望。宝贝

9.They show, among other things, rotting teeth, a man with a hole in his throat, a dead body and a despairing child.这些形象中,有变坏的牙齿、喉咙有洞的人、一具尸体和一个表情绝望的孩子。

10.Possibly the other members of the family did not share her misgivings; so, despairing of grown-up sympathy, she sought my boyish support.也许家里其他的人没有和她分担解忧;因此,在对大人们的同情丧失了信心之后,她转而寻求我稚嫩的支持。