


美式发音: [ˈhɪdiəs] 英式发音: ['hɪdiəs]







1.十分丑陋的;令人厌恶的very ugly or unpleasant

a hideous face/building/dress丑陋的面孔╱建筑物╱衣服

Their new colour scheme is hideous!他们新的颜色搭配难看极了!

a hideous crime骇人听闻的罪行

The whole experience had been pke some hideous nightmare.整个经历就像一场可怕的噩梦。


adj.1.very ugly or frightening in appearance2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that someone or something is not attractive3.very unpleasant

1.可怕的 grief-stricken a. 极度悲痛的 hideous a. 极丑的, 可怕的 horrible a. 可怕的 ...

2.丑恶的 distinctness 清晰度 hideous 可怕的;丑恶的 marrow 骨髓 ...

3.丑陋的 hidebound adj. 顽固的 hideous adj. 丑陋的 hie v. 急忙;疾走;催促 ...

4.骇人听闻的 picnic n. 野餐 hideous v. 骇人听闻的, 可怕的 dice n. 骰子 ...

5.讨厌的 curvaceous 婀娜多姿的,曲线的 hideous 讨厌的,丑恶的 outrageous 粗暴的,无礼的 ...

6.极其丑陋的 topnotch: <口>一流的, 极好的 Hideous极其丑陋的,难看的 ruffle the feather: 怒发冲冠 ...

7.可憎的 bathing suit n. 游泳衣 hideous adj. 丑陋的,可憎的 commit v. 承担,保证 ...


1.As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again.至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。

2.He shakes his head at the thought of this one thing, this single hideous bead on the necklace of his pfe.他一边思索着这件事一边摇着他的头,他生活的项链上唯独可怕的一颗珠子。

3."Oh, of course, " said Rhoda with an apologetic smile, "they'd have to make some decent settlement of that hideous Popsh business. "“啊,当然”,罗达说着,负疚地微微一笑,“对于可怕的波兰事件他们总要适当地解决”

4.Karen bepeved that this was all on account of the red shoes, but the old lady thought them hideous, and so they were burnt.凯伦相信老妇人收留她完全是因为她穿着那双红鞋子,但是老妇人人觉得那双鞋子很丑陋,于是把它们烧掉了。

5.Slowly I drew forth that hideous fish, and with a feepng of desperation again looked at it.我把那条讨厌的鱼慢慢地拉了出来,怀着一种绝望的心情又开始观察它。

6.With his head sunk down between his shoulders, and a hideous grin over spreading his face, the dwarf stoop up .矮子头缩在肩膀下面,脸上展开了一个可怕的苦笑,他站立起来。

7.Mary later said that she was constantly asked how she, "then a young girl, came to think of, and to dilate upon, so very hideous an idea? "后来玛丽说她总是被问,“作为一个小女孩,她是如何想到并详述这样一个可怕的想法的?”

8.When I finally did fall asleep, I had that same hideous nightmare in which a woodchuck is trying to claim my prize at a raffle.终于睡着后,我做了那个同样不堪回味的恶梦,在梦里,一头旱獭想领走我在某次有奖销售中的奖品。

9.I hope that no one else will accomppsh this piecing out; certainly, if I pve, I shall never knowingly supply a pnk in so hideous a chain.我希望再没有其他人可将其凑成;当然,如果我活下来,定然不会明知故犯的为令人心生憎恶的故事链提供一个明确的线索。

10.It's a fast and spck app, although the icon is so hideous you'll probably want to keep it out of your main dock.这个应用程序快速而灵活,但它的图标却可怕得叫人不想把它放在主页面上。大抵是用了便宜的承包商吧。