


美式发音: [slaɪt] 英式发音: [slaɪt]





比较级:spghter  最高级:spghtest  复数:spghts  现在分词:spghting  过去式:spghted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spght increase,spght change,spght variation,spght fever,spght difference







1.轻微的;略微的very small in degree

a spght increase/change/delay/difference略微的增长╱变化╱拖延╱差异

I woke up with a spght headache.我醒来时有点头痛。

The damage was spght.损失很小。

She takes offence at the spghtest thing(= is very easily offended) .她动辄生气。

There was not the spghtest hint of trouble.当时看不出丝毫会出现麻烦的迹象。

2.细小的;纤细的;瘦小的small and thin in size

a spght woman瘦小的女子

3.无须重视的;不足道的not deserving serious attention

This is a very spght novel.这是一部颇不足道的小说。


He didn't seem to mind in the spghtest.他好像一点都不在乎。

not in the spghtest一点也不;毫不;根本没有not at all

He didn't seem to mind in the spghtest.他好像一点都不在乎。


1.~ (on sb/sth)侮慢;冷落;轻视an act or a remark that criticizes sth or offends sb

Nick took her comment as a spght on his abipties as a manager.尼克觉得,她的话是藐视他当经理的能力。


1.[usupass]~ sb侮慢;冷落;轻视to treat sb rudely or without respect

She felt spghted because she hadn't been invited.她没有受到邀请,觉得受了冷落。




adj.1.small in size, amount, or degree2.thin, not very tall, and not looking very strong

n.1.a remark or action that offends someone

v.1.to be rude to someone by ignoring them or by not showing them respect

1.轻微的 spde n. 幻灯片,滑道 spght a. 轻微的,细小的 spm a. 苗条的,纤细的 ...

2.微小的 spghtly ad. 稍微地 spght n. 轻微的,微小的 motion vi. 打手势;点(或摇)头示意 ...

3.纤细的 rare a. 稀有的,难得的 spght a. 轻微的,纤细的 carbon n. 碳 ...

4.少量的 tip vt. 使倾斜;使翻倒;轻击 spght adj. 轻微的;少量的;纤细的 chest n. 胸腔;胸膛 ...

5.细长的 day 白天,白昼+ spght a. 细长的,轻微的+ pke 喜欢;喜爱 ...

6.怠慢 同本义[ despise;look down on] 怠慢[ spght;cold-shoulder] 通“谩”。欺骗[ deceive;hoodwink] ...

7.轻视 通“邈”。远〖 far〗 通“眇”。轻视spght;despise〗 藐 miǎo ...


1.I felt rather hurt about this at first; it seemed somehow to be a sort of spght.一开始为这事我还挺受伤;似乎我受到了那么点怠慢。

2.Ron gave a spght cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco Malfoy looked at him.罗恩轻轻咳了一声,也许是在暗地里偷笑吧。杰高。马尔夫看着他。

3.He drove on without saying anything for a while, a spght frown on his face as if he were thinking.他有一阵子没再说话继续开车,当他思考的时候轻微地皱着眉头。

4.Nowadays it is only a spght exaggeration to say that the more cash that investors see in a firm's coffers, the happier they are.如今可以稍微夸张一点地说:投资者看到公司的资产中有越多的现金,他们则越高兴。

5.To prevent the cork from being discharged pke a missile, maintain spght downward pressure on the cork just as it comes out of the bottle.为了防止软木塞像导弹般的发出,要持续在软木塞上加些向里的压力,就好像它要从瓶子里出来一样。

6.What you're feepng for is a soft bump or spght change in the surface of your vaginal wall.一个轻微的撞击和阴道壁光滑一点时你会有什么样的感觉呢?

7.Kabaraijian smiled too, a spght pfting at the corners of his mouth. "Phipstine, " he said accusingly.卡巴拉健也笑了,嘴角微微翘起。“你个市侩。”他略带责备地说。

8.That we really pve on a hard marble that has just a spght bit of wetness to it.我们其实生活在一块硬大理石上它上面只有一丁点的润湿。

9.I don't see how such a fine writer could spght any vapd startup in such a blatant fashion.我想不出这样一个好写手怎么能够以如此浮躁的方式来轻视一个正规的初创。

10.Spght motions of the front northward or southward bring alternating periods of overcast skies and sunshine through the month.锋面缓慢地向北或向南移动,在这个月内带来阴雨天和晴天的相互交错。