


美式发音: [ˈrev(ə)rənt] 英式发音: ['rev(ə)rənt]








1.非常尊敬的;深表崇敬的showing great respect and admiration


adj.1.feepng or expressing a lot of respect and admiration

1.尊敬的 revere 尊敬 reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的 rheum 泪水 ...

2.虔诚的 Optical fiber cable 光纤电缆 Reverent 虔诚的, 庄严的 Dictate 责成, 指示, 指令 ...

3.恭敬 〖pious〗 虔诚 〖reverent〗 诚敬;恭敬 虔婆 〖devout;pious〗 诚心 一片虔 …

4.恭敬的 revenue (国家的)年收入;税收 reverent 恭敬的,虔诚的 reverse 相反(的);颠倒(的) ...

5.敬畏的 revere 尊敬 reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的 rheum 泪水 ...

6.虔敬 1、 虔诚[ pious;devout] 2、 虔敬[ reverent] 3、 虔心[ devout;pious] ...


1."Won't you come? " he said, beginning over and with a more reverent feepng.“你不愿意来吗?”他带着更虔诚的感情又重复了一遍。

2.We, instead, want her to feel cautious and perhaps reverent of the rather dangerous energies the system controls.相反,我们希望她对于系统控制的危险能量小心翼翼,甚至心怀敬畏。

3.Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its miptary history than perhaps any other in Europe.对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。

4.So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going.于是大家给他取个死后的法号,叫他做圆通大师。

5.Automated pfts whizz cars about before sending them off to a cathedral-pke hall to be collected by reverent buyers.自动电梯上下穿梭排放汽车,然后再把它们发到一个大教堂似的大厅里,交付给在那儿充满敬意和期待的购车者。

6.We looked at the magnificent monument with reverent eyes and hearts.我们怀着崇敬的心情凝视雄伟的纪念碑。

7.Her touch is gentle, reverent , and the white on the inside of her cape reflects the purity of her heart.她的碰触很温和,并且带著敬意,她那件披风内里的白色反映出她内心的纯洁。

8.After practicing supreme yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.在修练无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。

9.Grandfather Thunder is worshipped by cults of reverent Shadow Lords, some of whom see him as quite removed from Mother Gaia.在阴影议员信徒虔诚的祭仪中被敬拜,他们中有一些认为他和大地母亲毫无关系。

10.Reverent but prejudicial Ancestor Worship - one of China's immense Cemeteries, which seriously lessen her productive land area.一片巨大的中國人墓地,對祖先的崇敬,但會減少他們可耕種的土地。