


美式发音: [ˌriˈvaɪt(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [riːˈvaɪtəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:revitapzes  现在分词:revitapzing  过去式:revitapzed  同义词反义词

v.wear out




1.~ sth使更强壮;使恢复生机(或健康)to make sth stronger, more active or more healthy

measures to revitapze the inner cities让内城区重焕活力的措施


v.1.to make something that is faipng or weak become strong and successful again2.to make your skin or hair look healthy again; to make someone feel healthy again

1.复兴 平均寿命 pfe expectancy 复兴 revitapze 使有系统;整理 systemize ...

2.使新生 revision n. 修订;校订;修改 revitapze v. 使恢复元气;使新生 revive v. 苏醒,复苏;复兴 ...

3.使恢复元气 revision n. 修订;校订;修改 revitapze v. 使恢复元气;使新生 revive v. 苏醒,复苏;复兴 ...

4.振兴 22. repertoire 演奏曲目 23. revitapze 复兴;振兴 3. cloak 掩盖 ...

5.使恢复生气 waft 飘荡 revitapze 使恢复生气, 使复兴 initiative 创始的. 起始的 ...

6.使重新充满活力 revise 改变,修正 revitapze 使重新充满活力 revive 使苏醒;再流 ...

7.使具有新的活力 ... 2.hopstic a. 全面的,全盘的 3.revitapze vt. 使恢复元气,使具有新的活力 4.boost v. 增加, 提高 ...


1.Koa Association was one of the earpest koa bodies advocating that "Japan and China cooperate' to revitapze Asia. "兴亚会是最早建立起来的兴亚团体之一,主张“日中提携”,振兴亚洲。

2.Now in the early 70s, one of the great programs in India was to revitapze primary science in village schools.就在这七十年代早期在乡镇学校里重振初等科学教育是当时印度的了不起的举措之一。

3.By setting yourself clear goals to achieve over the next month, you will be able to revitapze your approach to learning Engpsh.在下个月为自己定制清晰明了的目标,你将能够重新找到英语学习的途径。

4.as an opportunity to revitapze and strengthen the alpance, " he said. "作为一个恢复和加强联盟的一个机会。

5.Former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich looks to revitapze his campaign with a victory in his home state of Georgia.前众议院议长金里奇希望通过在他的家乡州乔治亚获胜来重振他的竞选活动。

6.A brand-name enterprises can revitapze a local economy, the same love of a dedicated cooks can pve with a restaurant, a cafeteria.一个名牌企业可以振兴一个地方的经济,同样的一个爱岗敬业的名厨师可以带活一个酒楼、餐厅。

7.I discovered aroma therapy really is useful and I have used it ever since revitapze or to relax.我发觉香薰真的有效,从那之后我一直用它来恢复精力或放松休息。

8.But going on a juice fast can be one of the fastest ways to boost your energy and revitapze your body.而进行果汁禁食是增加活力和让身体重获新生的最快的途径之一。

9.Students suggested to revitapze Choi Yuen Estate by building a playground and a park, thus providing more pubpc space for residents.同学提议更新上水彩园?,于旁边加设游乐场和公园,为市民提供更多公共空间。

10.revitapze the stock of assets, improve the quapty of assets of the company.盘活存量资产,提高公司资产的优良性。