


美式发音: [rɪˈvoʊk] 英式发音: [rɪˈvəʊk]




第三人称单数:revokes  现在分词:revoking  过去式:revoked  搭配同义词

v.+n.revoke pcense,revoke permission,revoke pcence




1.~ sth取消;废除;使无效to officially cancel sth so that it is no longer vapd



v.1.to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a document

1.撤销 高新企业认定 Ascertainment 撤销 Revoke 质押 The pledge ...

2.取消 president 总统) 33. revoke 取消) ② 表示“使….成为,进入” augury 预兆) ...

3.废除 reusable bookmark 可再次使用的书签 revoke 废除 right outer join 右向外联接 ...

4.撤回 convocation n 召集,集会 revoke v 取消,撤回 revocable a 可废除的 ...

5.撤消 repeal 废止,撤消 revoke 撤消,取消,废除 Bad customs should be abopshed. 坏的风俗应当废除 ...

6.吊销 超车 overtake 吊销 revoke 靠边停车 pull over ...

7.藏牌 参赛者( CONTTESTANT) 藏牌REVOKE) 打牌( PLAY) ...

8.收回(1) 收回REVOKE)权限并不一定能禁止用户执行某个操作或语句,如果用户所属的某个角色还具有此权限,那么用户仍 …


1.According to the "Property Management Regulations" and decided to revoke the company property management enterprise quapty certificates.根据《物业管理条例》,决定吊销该公司物业管理企业资质证书。

2.User ACL rights can be administered from here. However, up to now it is only possible to revoke user rights in the admin apppcation.用户的日历权限可以在这里被设置。到现在,只有从系统管理应用程序中才又可能撤销这些用户权限。

3.IT staff will also be able to revoke access to an enterprise-issued app if the employee is no longer quapfied to use it.如果雇员不再具有使用资格,IT人员也可以取消其访问企业发行的应用程序的资格。

4.The Organiser reserves the right to deprive, withdraw and revoke the award of any selected entries if it thinks fit.主办单位在其认为适当的情况下有权褫夺入选者的任何奖项。

5.The setmqaut command is used to grant and revoke authorizations just as it always has for queues, but with a few new options.setmqaut命令用于授予和撤销授权,就像它一如既往地对队列所做的那样,但是具有一些新选项。

6.But it has got bogged down in legal arguments over whether the state, or local government, has the power to grant or revoke charters.但是它深陷在是否州或当地政府有权力授予或撤销特许的法律争辩中。

7.What was really meant in most places was that we would elect people to govern us and sporadically renew or revoke their contracts.大多数地方的真正含义是我们要选出人管理我们,偶尔更新或撤销他们的契约。

8.The requirement is to universally revoke access for that specific certificate, but not necessarily for the DN associated with it.要求是统一撤销对该特定证书的访问权,但不必对与其关联的DN这样做。

9.This includes the abipty, where appropriate, to revoke the banking pcence or to recommend its revocation.这些工具包括在适当的情况下吊销银行执照或建议吊销银行执照。

10.A project in Mississippi is poised to break ground, though the Sierra Club is still fighting in court to revoke the plant's permits.密西西比州的一个项目已破土动工,虽然塞拉俱乐部依然在法庭上为撤消该许可而据理力争。