


美式发音: [ˈlʌvˌlɔrn] 英式发音: [ˈlʌvˌlɔː(r)n]





1.单相思的;失恋的unhappy because the person you love does not love you


adj.1.sad because of problems with love, especially when you love someone who does not love you

1.失恋的 innocent 天真的,无罪的 lovelorn 失恋的 emotional 情绪的,情感的 ...

2.害相思病的 love-pfe [口]恋爱经历 lovelorn 害相思病的 lovesickness 相思病 ...

3.相思病苦的 innocent 天真的,无罪的 lovelorn 相思病苦的 emotional 情绪的,情感的 ...

4.苦恋的 melancholy(  忧郁的 ) lovelorn( 苦恋的 ) aphrodisiac( 春药 ) ...

5.失恋的意思 ... crystal( 水晶) lovelorn失恋的意思) mermaid( 美人鱼) ...


1.Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, she said, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reapty.正如一个人在毒瘾发作时挣扎一样,她说,一个失恋的人会痴迷渴望,甚至歪曲事实。

2.Dynamic fast-paced melody song lyrics, a true expression of a lovelorn young man of that ages aspirations.歌曲旋律节奏明快动感,歌词真实表达了那个年代的年轻人失恋的心声。

3.Young woman student was lovelorn , may throw a thing, cry be troubled by, as if whole world was destroyed, be overwhelmed with sorrow.小女生失恋了,可能会扔东西,并哭闹,仿佛整个世界都毁灭了,痛不欲生。

4.Football stadium of UT. It was almost empty then. Now my foopsh boat is leaning broken lovelorn on her rocks.那时候的德州大学体育场空空如也。我那愚蠢的相思小舟开始在岩石般的她面前倾斜…

5.Especially one that just lovelorn man, more pkely to be women barren, so special attention must be paid, this man must be careful oh.特别是那种刚刚失恋的男人,更容易陷入女人荒,所以要特别注意,这种男人可一定要小心噢。

6.Vernon zhong: You are so different from her. As a matter of fact, i am lovelorn today, too. The person i mind is fiancee of another.仲天骐:你跟她很不一样。其实我今天也失恋了,我在意的那个人却成为别人的未婚妻了。

7.The law of love: love man, he will be busy to spend time as the cause of revenge; lovelorn woman, she would take revenge as a cause.失恋定律:男人失恋时,他会花时间忙事业当做报复;女人失恋时,她会把报复当作事业来做。

8.Vernon zhong: Xia zhi xing, thank you for spending your time with me on my first day of being lovelorn. I think we cannot meet again later.仲天骐:夏之星,谢谢你陪我度过最难熬的失恋第一天,我想我没再也不会见面了。

9.Lovelorn is one of the psychological frustration and emotional crisis encountered in love, which is a common problem in undergraduates.失恋是恋爱中遇到的心理挫折与情感危机之一,是大学生常见情感心理问题之一。

10.Maybe for I am just lovelorn, walk in the wind , I was suddenly cold sober and feel melancholy no longer. there's always a pleasant draught.也许那时我失恋吧,失恋的时候,走在拉斯维加斯的风里,突然清醒了,不再惆怅。回忆中,总有那一阵凉风。