


美式发音: [ˌɪləˈstreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪlə'streɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:illustrations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.good illustration,perfect illustration,excellent illustration

v.+n.give illustration,provide illustration,offer illustration




1.[c](书、杂志等中的)图表,插图a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc. especially one that explains sth

50 full-colour illustrations50 张全彩色插图

2.[u]图解;图示;例释the process of illustrating sth

the art of book illustration书籍插图的艺术

3.[c][u](说明事实的)故事,实例,示例a story, an event or an example that clearly shows the truth about sth

The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make这些统计数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的要点。

Let me, by way of illustration , quote from one of her poems.作为说明,让我援引她的一首诗。


n.1.a picture, drawing, or photograph used for decorating a book or explaining something; the art of illustrating books2.an example, event, fact, etc. that shows that something else is true, or shows what something is pke

1.插图 Icon Design/ 图标 Illustration/ 插图 Industrial Design/ 工业 ...

2.插画 Design |设计 Illustration |插画 Featured |主题 ...

3.说明 demonstration 示范, 实例 illustration 插图, 图解, 说明, 例证 frustration 挫败, 挫折, 受挫 ...

4.例证 demonstration 示范, 实例 illustration 插图, 图解, 说明, 例证 frustration 挫败, 挫折, 受挫 ...

5.图解 demonstration 示范, 实例 illustration 插图, 图解, 说明, 例证 frustration 挫败, 挫折, 受挫 ...

6.说明,图解 illustrate vt. (用图等)说明 illustration n. 说明,图解;例证 image n. 像;形象;映象 ...

7.说明,例证 illness 病,疾病 illustration 说明,例证;图解,插图 image 形象;肖像;影像…

8.例证,插图 illusion n. 错觉;幻觉 illustration n. 说明;例证,插图 moderate a. 中等的,适度的;温和的,有节制的 ...


1.Its purpose is not to do a meaningful calculation, but to provide an easy-to-understand illustration of our solution.它的目的并不是做有意义的计算,而是为我们的解决方案提供一个易于理解的说明。

2.DNA databases are a good illustration of that, and of the confpcts and paradoxes the new age of genomics is creating.DNA数据库是其中的一个较好的例子,在冲突与矛盾中,基因组学的新纪元诞生了。

3.In the previous illustration, you can see in the Folder List that this folder is available for you to insert images from.从上图中可以看到,“文件夹列表”中该文件夹的图像是可以插入的。

4.They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim.为说明这一点,他们经常举出那些漂亮诱人却是虚假坑人的广告,使得不少顾客上当受骗。

5.Illustration is often more useful than definition for showing what words mean.用图解或示例解释词义往往比用定义解释更清楚。

6.A classic illustration of the extended will at work is Ulysses' decision to have his men bind him to the mast of his ship.它的一个经典案例是,尤利西斯决定让他的手下将其绑在船桅上。

7.The following illustration shows the process that determines which of a set of overloaded versions to call.下图显示决定调用哪个重载版本的进程。

8.Comment: a written note intended as an explanation, an illustration, or a criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.注释,评论:作为一本书或其他书面形式里一段解释、说明或批评的文字记录,注解。

9.This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred.这幅图描绘的是,当一颗恒星太接近一颗超级巨型黑洞时可能发生的灾难。

10.Illustration of a difficult idea is often effective in classes.上课时用例子来说明某个难懂的概念往往是行之有效的。