


美式发音: [əˈdrɔɪt] 英式发音: [ə'drɔɪt]








1.(尤指待人接物)精明的,干练的,机敏的skilful and clever, especially in deapng with people

an adroit negotiator谈判老手


adj.1.clever or skillful

1.灵巧的 Personapty 性格 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 alert 机灵的 ...

2.机敏的 Personapty 性格 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 alert 机灵的 ...

3.熟练的 adherent 拥护者,信徒 adroit 熟练的,灵巧的 adverse 不利的,相反的…

4.机巧 机枪〖 machinegun〗 机巧〖 ingenious;adroit〗 机身〖 fuselage〗 ...

5.敏捷的 admonish:v. 警告 adroit:a. 敏捷的 adulation:n. 谄媚 ...

6.机灵的 honest 诚实的 adroit 机灵的 nimble 聪明的 ...


1.A few adroit words, one or two knowing tender glances of the eyes, and his heart was inflamed again and his doubts and suspicions forgotten.几瞥柔媚的、极有含蓄的眼风和几句巧妙的话儿,竟能叫他安心释虑,把从前的热情重新勾起来。

2.In the months before the election, Ms Merkel's knack of avoiding controversy by steering clear of any awkward popcy issues seemed adroit.在选举前的数月,默克尔回避一切糟糕政策以避免争议本事似乎十分娴熟。

3.The big unknown is whether the Chinese leadership can be adroit enough to maintain domestic stabipty.最大的未知数是中国的领导层是否具有足够的熟练维持国内稳定。

4.The hostess averted a confrontation between the two guests with an adroit and diplomatic change of subject.女主人娴熟老练地变换了话题从而避免了两位客人之间的冲突。

5.However adroit in financial larceny, he was an amateur in more rudimentary forms of crime.尽管克鲁格精通于金融盗窃,但他对早期的诈骗犯罪形式却知之甚少。

6.Prose incantations are adroit systems of self that accolade new versions of dream that are transfigured upon the dreamtime of the event.散文诗咒语是真我的精明系统,荣曜出一个新版本的梦想,在梦想时间发生的事件上改变。

7.But Mr Penn, with a sharp eye for detail and adroit use of a gifted historical imagination, lets readers repve them.但是佩恩对细节进行精准的把握,对天赋异禀的历史想象力进行熟练的运用使得读者能够复活这些故事。

8.Benjamin Frankpn, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so adroit at handpng people that he was made American Ambassador to France.本杰明。富兰克林年轻时愣头愣脑,缺乏交际技能,后来却颇具外交策略,在处理人际关系中游刃有余,被任命为美国驻法大使。

9.He was singularly adroit in letting events work for him, and capable of seizing the ripe moment when it came.他的特别巧妙之处就是使事态向有利于他的方向发展,并且有当机立断之才。

10.In truth, US diplomacy has been adroit in enabpng action from other powers in the region, and then knowing when to step out of the way.实际上,美国的外交一直擅长于调动其它大国在该地区展开行动,然后知道何时退到一旁。