


美式发音: 英式发音: [puːl]






n.1.a subunit of Afghan currency

1.普尔 1.Lem 蓝姆 2.Pul 普尔 4.Mal 马尔 ...

2.脉冲(pulse) puddle; 泥水坑,捣拌 pul脉冲 pull; 拉,引 ...

3.钱 我们要去( biz barimez) pul) 司机( shopur) ...

4.一捆 (long+sight 眼光+ (mani+pul 一捆+ lus+ive→ 把人玩出去 + ...

5.拉 band 乐队 pul push 推 ...

6.脉冲信号运行方向是:顺时针方向(CW) Y0: 步进驱动器脉冲信号(PUL) Y1: 步进驱动器方向信号(DIR) Y1 ON 时,顺时针(CW)运转 Y1 OF…

7.邮票 我要买---= almak istiyorum ... 邮票 = Pul 一点 = Biraz ...


1.Do not allow the child to play without adult care. it is prohibited that push or pul on the product and play with sharp ware while playing.儿童在游玩时应有成人看护,不得在玩具上推耍,同时不能带尖锐的器具在玩具上玩耍。

2.Expectant management has been shown to be safe for the majority of women with a PUL.期待管理层已被证明是安全的,大多数妇女的普勒。

3.Future work should be aimed at prospectively testing current models in order to predict the outcome of a PUL and minimizing follow-up.今后的工作应着眼于将来的测试目前的模型,以预测的结果,普勒和尽量减少后续行动。

4.In 745 BC, the crown was seized by a miptary adventurer called Pul, who assumed the name of Tiglath-Pileser III.公元前745年,一位称为普尔的军事冒险家夺取了王位,自己取名为提革拉-帕拉萨三世。

5.Objective An ELISA method for the detection of antibody to mouse Mycoplasma pulmonis (M. pul) was estabpshed.目的建立小鼠肺支原体抗体ELISA检测法。

6.So, the product take the fancy of customers when being once pul out.因此,产品一经推出便受到顾客的喜爱。

7.Then pul walked to Mr. Chris there.这时克里斯普先生向那里走去。

8.(I)want to pul all of the world to you, even in the dream, my love is so so, even if only such watching you.我)想要把世界上所有的都送给你,即使在梦里,我的爱情就是如此,哪怕只这样望着你。

9.A U. S. Army soldier takes five with an Afghan boy during a patrol in Pul-e Alam, a town in Logar province, eastern Afghanist东阿富汗罗根省,一个美国大兵在巡逻时和当地小孩击掌。

10.Causes of Multi- drug Resistance Pul-monary Tuberculosis and Its Nursing Countermeasures探讨耐多药肺结核的形成原因及护理对策