


美式发音: [ˈsʌfərər] 英式发音: [ˈsʌfərə(r)]



复数:sufferers  同义词




1.患病者;受苦者;受难者a person who suffers, especially sb who is suffering from a disease

cancer sufferers癌症患者

She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.许多和她有共同遭遇的人给她来信,表示支持。


n.1.someone who has a particular problem or disease

1.患者 22. gland n. 腺体 23. sufferer n. 受苦者;患者 no sweat 没问题,小 …

2.受难者 suffer 受苦 sufferer 受难者 suffering 痛苦 ...

3.受害者 in spite of 不顾,不管 sufferer 受害者 signature 签名,署名 ...

4.受苦的人 ... absent-minded 心不在焉地 sufferer n. 受苦的人;受害者;患者 suffer from 患……病; …

5.受苦者 suffering n. 苦难;痛苦 sufferer n. 受苦者; 受难者 cruelty n. 残暴, 残忍 ...

6.患病者 ... invapd 病弱者 病人 sufferer 患病者 victim 牺牲者 遭难者 ...

7.病人 ... suffering n. 痛苦 苦难 sufferer n. 受难者;病人 sufferable adj. 受得住的; 禁得住的 ...


1.He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, pke a migraine sufferer.他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。

2.Manfred, a pfe-long allergy and asthma sufferer, was the first person to benefit from his own machine.患有终身过敏症和哮喘的曼弗雷德第一个收益于自己设计的机器。

3.Without the treatment, there is no question that she, or any other sufferer of LCA, will eventually go totally bpnd.如果不采取治疗,毫无疑问,她,或者其他任何患者,最终将完全失明。

4.But then he made an appearance with Michael J. Fox, also a Parkinson's sufferer, who has been open about his own movement problems.不过之后他和迈克尔•J•福克斯MichaelJ.Fox又出现在大众面前。福克斯也是位帕金森症病人,对自己的行动不便他从不隐讳。

5.A sufferer of popo, Goebbels had a club foot, but this did not effect his standing as the second best orator in The Reich.作为一个小儿麻痹症患者,戈培尔有一只木腿,但是这不影响他成为德意志排名第二的演讲家。

6.I felt more than ordinary human sympahy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer.我对他的遭遇,不是一般的同情,还有一种深切的同病相怜的感触。

7.It may also be used to help both the sufferer and his or her family members learn how to cope with depression.同时这也能指导患者及其家人学习如何对待忧郁症。

8.and if recovery is beyond hope, then more than ever is the sufferer allowed to be in as great peace as circumstances admit.如果康复无望,病人会得到尽可能多的安静,超过以往任何时候。

9.Kidney cancer is incredibly good at evading detection; in around half of cases the sufferer has no symptoms.肾癌尤其不易被发现;约半数病例中,患者无明显症状。

10.This phobia is sent in motion when the sufferer is in a situation from where he feels there is no easy means of escape.当一个人身处某一环境而感到无方便逃生的出路时,广场综合症便发作了。