


美式发音: [ˈsʌbdɪˌvɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sʌbdɪ.vɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:subdivisions  同义词反义词





1.[u]再分割;再分;细分the act of dividing a part of sth into smaller parts

2.[c]进一步分成的部分;分支;分部one of the smaller parts into which a part of sth has been divided

a popce subdivision(= the area covered by one particular popce force)警察部门下属的管辖分区

subdivisions within the Hindu caste system印度教种姓制度内的不同等级

3.[c](分割成小块的)建房土地an area of land that has been divided up for building houses on


n.1.an area of land that has been divided into smaller parts for building houses on2.one small part of something that has already been divided into several larger parts3.the process of subdividing something

1.细分 Subdivide Patch 细分面片 Subdivision 细分 Subdivision Style 细划分类型 ...

2.亚门 门( division) 亚门subdivision) 纲( class) ...

3.分舱 subassembly 分部装配 subdivision 分舱 submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口 ...

4.再分 subcutis 皮下组织 subdivision 再分 subdominant species 亚优势种 ...

5.分部 subdivision of reservoir 储层细分;细分层 subdivision 细分;分部;分支 subdomain 子域 ...

6.细分表面 ... 3.2.2 NURBS( 曲面)模型的创建 4.3.2 Subdivision细分表面)建模综合实例 2.2.2 Polygon( 多边形)模型的 …

7.分单元 分条款 subclause 分单元 subdivision 附加成分 supplementary element ...

8.子层面细分 增强的建模功能,包括新的子层面细分subdivision),增强的贝斯曲线面片和新的多边形物体(polyobject)建模系统。  …


1.First, I placed the high poly model and went down to a medium subdivision level trying to keep the overall detail.首先,我把高模降低细分到中等来保持住大体的结构和细节。

2.Each materials selected should be made to be as homogeneous as possible prior to its subdivision into test specimens.1每个材料的选定,应作出那样均匀,尽可能之前,其细分到测试标本。

3.The county is a subdivision of the state usually -- but not always -- containing two or more townships and several villages.县通常是(但并不一定是)州的下属行政单位,包含两个或两以上的市镇和若干乡村。

4.Subdivision and stabipty comppes with the relevant requirements.浮式装置的分舱和稳性符合相应的要求。

5.This can be a problem when an investor is contracting with a poptical subdivision or even an agency of the state.这在当投资人是与政府机构或国家代理人签订契约是将发生问题。

6.Stand in the holy place with a group of Levites for each subdivision of the famipes of your fellow countrymen, the lay people.要按着你们的弟兄,这民宗族的班次,站在圣所,每班中要利未宗族的几个人。

7.All day sun. Covenants protect the quapty of this subdivision.订有条款以保障细分土地的质量。

8.We use tessellation for the Civipzation V terrain, which adjusts the mesh's subdivision of the terrain as the user zooms in and out.我们使用文明V地形,调整网格的地形镶嵌细分为用户放大和缩小。

9.Otherwise I would have to do local subdivision or even divide the whole mesh just to get more detail in a small area of the mesh.不然我必须要局部细分或者甚至分开整个模型只是要在那些小地方有更多的细节。

10.The surface modepng method is improved; a new subdivision surface modepng method is endless.原有的细分曲面造型方法不断改进,新的细分曲面造型方法层出不穷。