




1.新思维 ... New World。 新的世界 New Thinking新的思维 With Virus Recovery Button.。 配备病毒复原钮 ...

3.新思想 ... E - Energy( 力量) N - New thinking( 新思想) A - All for One( 团结) ...

4.新思路 象思维: image thinking 新思路new thinking 无思思: non-thinking ...

5.新思惟知(Renewed Consciousness)、新思惟(New Thinking)、新感知(Renewed Perception)走出既往不断因循重复的错误与阴霾, …

6.新远见杂志刊物简介:新远见杂志New Thinking),主办: 湖南省报刊出版服务中心,周期: 月刊,出版地:北京市,语种: 中文,开 …

7.新想法一个非常有创意(Creativity),有新想法(new thinking)的人肯定会被这个社会重视。这些都是我们注重的东西,我们希望小孩们 …


1.He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grapppng with the scars of war.他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。

2.You actually talked about this new thinking and Triple Bottom Lines of sustainable development. Could you elaborate on some of this?实际你也谈到了一个新的思维,还有三重底线,这方面都是关于可持续发展的,您能不能关于这方面给我们多讲一些?

3.The university is no longer the place where new thinking can play around, but a training center for pre-work drill.大学不再是新思想的实验场,而是工作前的培训中心。

4.A simple grinding down of rocks from erosion could produce a red mineral that stains the dust on Mars, the new thinking goes.仅仅是遭受侵蚀的岩石经磨损产生了一种红色的矿物而将火星上的尘埃进行了着色,这就是新的理论解释。

5.The reshaping of the army ought to be guided by new thinking on strategy and by a sensible division of labour with Germany's alpes.对于军队的改革应该在新的战略思维和与同盟国的明确分工下进行。

6.Neologisms, as a mirror of social development, grow out of new objects, new phenomena, new concepts, and new thinking.新词是社会活动的脉搏,敏感地反映着社会中的新事物、新现象、新概念和新思维。

7.Mr Mittal also gave further details of his new thinking on setting up steel plants in India in the next few years.米塔尔还就未来几年在印度兴建钢厂的新思路,透露了更多细节。

8.The effective implementation of the system provides a new thinking mode for the separation between standardization of the central and local.分税制的有效实施,为中央与地方政府间规范化分权提供了新的思维与模式。

9.Social capital introduces pair of economy theoretically to developed theory to offer new thinking.社会资本理论的引入对经济发展理论提供了新思路。

10.The text has came up with an new thinking: active defense technology is drew into the access control of the information systems.本文提出一种全新的思路,把主动防御技术引入到信息系统的权限控制中。