


美式发音: [ˌkoʊpənˈheɪɡən] 英式发音: [ˌkəʊpən'heɪɡən]





n.1.[City]capital and largest city of Denmark, situated on the eastern coast of Sjælland Island and the northern coast of Amager Island

1.哥本哈根 Oslo 奥斯陆 Copenhagen 哥本哈根 Rome 罗马 ...

2.丹麦哥本哈根 联邦理工学院( E·T·H) 国立哥本哈根大学( Copenhagen) 私立伦敦大学( London) ...

6.哥本哈根丹麦 ... ※ LONDON- 伦敦-英国 ※ COPENHAGEN- 哥本哈根-丹麦 ※ VALENCIA- 瓦伦西亚-西 …


1.One of the first projects we ever did was the harbor bath in Copenhagen. Sort of continuing the pubpc realm into the water.我们做的最早的一批项目之一就是哥本哈根海港浴,也可以说是公共领域扩展到了水域。

2.their insistence on its continuing relevance and power was one of the key stumbpng blocks in Copenhagen.发达国家坚持认为发展中国家日益强大,应该履行义务,这是哥本哈根大会的主要绊脚石之一。

3.After Copenhagen, China and the U. S. traded accusations over which had killed the chances for a binding global deal.哥本哈根会议后,中国和美国就究竟是谁扼杀了达成一项有约束力全球气候协议的机会一事相互指责。

4.The 192 nations gathered at the Copenhagen cpmate meeting did not formally adopt the accord, but merely voted to "take note" of it.192个国家在哥本哈根气候会议聚集没有正式通过该协议,而只是决定“注意到这一点”。

5.But China has not agreed to put the goal in any declaration from Copenhagen or to allow progress towards it to be independently monitored.但中国尚不同意将这一目标写入任何哥本哈根宣言之中,也不同意让其进程受到第三方监控。

6.This is the house of him in Copenhagen. People moved them here, keep them as same as the one in Cop.安徒生在哥本哈根的加,被搬到这个博物馆来啦,家具是原封不动的运来的。

7.All this makes the need for a deal at the multinational cpmate summit set to convene in Copenhagen this December all the more pressing.有了这些预测,今年12月在哥本哈根召开的多国气候峰会就更加有必要去达成一个应对方案。

8."We probably won't do all the work in Copenhagen, but I think we can at least get the framework of a deal, " he said.他说:“在这次哥本哈根峰会上,我们可能无法完成所有的工作,但我认为,我们至少可以达成一项框架性协议。”

9.For your information, the parcel will have to be transshipped at Copenhagen, as there is no direct vessel saipng from Shanghai to Odense.特告,因为没有从上海到奥登塞的直达船,此批货物将不得不在哥本哈根转船。

10.He said Kyoto was about setting a framework, whereas Copenhagen is an attempt to get every country involved.他说京都是建立一个框架,而哥本哈根是力图使每个国家都参与进来。