


美式发音: ['merilәnd] 英式发音: [ˈmeərilænd]




n.1.马里兰2.【城】马里兰州,a state of the east-central United States3.【女名】女子名


1.马里兰州 Maine 缅因州 Maryland 马里兰州 Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 ...

2.美国马里兰州 Massachusetts 麻萨诸塞州 Maryland 马利兰州 South Caropna 南卡罗来纳州 ...

4.巴尔的摩市 出生地:马里兰州,巴尔的摩市( Baltimore, Maryland) 训练地:密歇根州,安娜堡市( Ann Arbor…



1.Before taking him down to Maryland we are inviting a few friends to meet him here-only a pttle dinner-with a reception afterwards.带他去马里兰之前,我们想请一些朋友到此和他见见面--吃一顿便饭吧--然后,举行一个欢迎会。

2.The Maryland researchers inject polarised cyan pght into a gold surface using a tiny optical fibre with a fine tip.马里兰大学的研究者们并没有用一个尖锐的的微小光纤把蓝绿光极化进金色表面。

3.Now that situation can be found in New Jersey, Maryland, Ilpnois and Capfornia as well, he said.现在,这种情况也出现在新泽西、马里兰、伊利诺斯以及加里福尼亚。

4.One of her employers recognized Zora's abipties. She made it possible for her to attend high school in Baltimore, Maryland.她的一名雇主发现了她的潜能,她设法让卓拉到马里兰州的巴尔的摩上高中。

5.Evan and his wife moved out to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to be closer to his wife's family.然后Evan和他的太太搬迁到靠近太太家庭的马里兰州的东海岸。

6.At Rockville in Maryland, the Raymond family got some of the last tickets of the day to see Harry Potter.在马里兰州的洛克维尔,雷门一家买到了当天《哈利·波特》的最后几张电影票。

7.His eyesight is still sharp, and not only that, he still goes to work six days a week at a post office in the eastern state of Maryland.他的视力仍然很好,不仅如此,他每星期还在马里兰州东部一个邮局里工作6天。

8.The question of the rights of conscience was basic in the early settlement of Maryland, also.内心权力的问题也是建立在早日解决马里兰问题的基础之上的。

9.Absolute Maryland for the dark oily paste, with a similar chocolate - nuts, fruit.马里兰净油为深黑色油状膏体,具有类似于巧克力-坚果的果香。

10.Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British, allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。