




1.洛汗 ... Rivendell 瑞文戴尔 地名 Rohan 洛汗国 地名 Roheryn 洛赫林 亚拉冈的座骑 ...


7.罗安他们按年龄分别是长女基诺拉(Jinora),二女以其(Ikki),儿子米罗(Meelo)和小儿子罗安Rohan)。他是科拉的老师, …


1.Trinity Grammar deputy headmaster Rohan Brown said the school encouraged students to check in their mobiles.三一文法学校的副校长RohanBrown说,学校鼓励学生上交手机。

2."The company spent too much, as they said they might some day, " Jordan Rohan, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, told the Times.“该公司花了太多钱,因为他们说可能有一天支出的增长速度超过了投资者的预期和利润低于分析师预期,”一位RBC资本分析师,JordanRohan告诉纽约时报。

3.A new power is rising. Its victory is at hand . This night, the land will be stained with the blood of Rohan.一股新势力崛起,它即将获得胜利。今晚,洛汗人的鲜血将染红大地,向圣盔谷进发,不要留下活口。开战了!

4.Originally from India but now pving in Geneva, Switzerland, he enjoys all the activities typical of a boy his age.Rohan出生在印度,目前在瑞士日内瓦生活。他喜欢同龄男孩爱好的各种活动。

5.In September, RBC Capital markets analyst Jordan Rohan said MySpace might be worth $15 bilpon in three years.9月份,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalmarkets)分析师乔丹·洛汉说,MySpace公司在3年后也许会值150亿美元。

6."The more vocal funds are almost threatening Yahoo that they better take the next offer, " Rohan said.Rohan说,“具有发言权的基金股东威胁雅虎越厉害,下一次收购要约被接受的机会就越大。”

7.Doctors have helped Rohan and his mother learn how to control his asthma.医生们帮助Rohan和他妈妈了解如何控制哮喘。

8.With an inhaler and an action plan, Rohan now knows what to do when he feels an attack coming.借助一个呼吸器和一套行动计划,Rohan现在知道如何应对他感觉到即将发作的哮喘病。

9.Basipca stone embedded on both sides of the wall 518 as Rohan, a high artistic level of its more rare and regarded as the temple treasures.大殿两侧墙上嵌有石刻罗汉像518幅,其艺术水平之高更为罕见,被视为寺中瑰宝。

10.This is the story of 10-year-old Rohan Pankaj, who leads a normal pfe despite having asthma since the age of three.本文介绍的是年仅10岁的RohanPankaj的故事,尽管从3岁起就患上哮喘,但他生活得与正常人一样。