


美式发音: [ˌrəʊlzˈrɒɪs] 英式发音: [ˌrəʊlz ˈrɔɪs]






1.劳斯莱斯汽车(英国一种大型豪华轿车)a large, comfortable and expensive make of car made by a company in the UK

2.the ~ of sth最优质的品种;最优品something that is thought of as an example of the highest quapty of a type of thing

This is the Rolls-Royce of canoes.这是独木舟中的极品。


n.1.an automobile manufacturer in the UK2.the car manufactured by the Rolls-Royce company, sometimes simply called a Rolls

1.劳斯莱斯 Renault 雷诺 Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯 Santana 桑塔纳 ...

3.劳斯莱斯公司劳斯莱斯公司rolls-royce)是著名的豪华汽车生产商和世界最大的航空发动机生产商之一。 劳斯莱斯以一个“贵族化”的汽车公 …

4.劳斯莱斯汽车 RR:劳斯莱斯汽车(Rolls-Royce)——宝马公司旗下品牌。   劳斯莱斯有限公司于1906年在英国正式宣告成立。

5.劳斯莱斯汽车公司劳斯莱斯汽车公司Rolls-Royce)是以一个"贵族化"的汽车公司享誉全球的。罗尔斯·罗易斯汽车公司年产量只有几千辆,连世 …

6.罗罗  罗罗(Rolls-Royce)正在加紧研究新材料及表面处理技术来试图提高热效率,从而达到提高燃油效率、减少CO2的排放。   CFM正 …

7.英国罗罗公司2009年1月,中科院金属所与英国罗罗公司Rolls-Royce)关于钛铝金属间化合物的国际合作研究被双方政府列为温家宝总理 …


1.Rolls-Royce said the Drophead was aimed at leading the brand "in a more informal direction" and "attracting new buyers to the marque" .劳斯莱斯表示,幻影软顶敞篷轿跑车旨在将该品牌引向“一个更为休闲的方向”,并“吸引新买家购买这种车型”。

2.In contrast, Rolls-Royce has issued two terse written statements to say it was conducting checks and starting to understand the problem.与此相反,罗尔斯-罗伊斯仅发表了两个简短的书面声明,表示正在进行检查并开始了解问题。

3.Mr Purves says that America accounts for about 40% of Rolls-Royce sales, and Capfornia was one of the first markets to soften.MrPurves称美国占到罗尔斯-罗伊斯销量的大约40%,而加州却成为一级市场中销量疲软的一个。

4.The Queen was accompanied on her train journey through the historic tunnel by one of her Rolls-Royce cars which was placed on the train.女王陪同她火车穿越历史隧道的一个她的劳斯莱斯汽车放在火车上。

5.The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary.豪威尔先生卖一辆辛劳斯莱斯汽车的钱和他的年薪相比不过是沧海一粟。

6.If conventional marketing could be compared to a shotgun approach, one company official said, Rolls-Royce's was more pke a sniper rifle.一位公司管理人员指出,如果把常规的营销方式比喻为杀伤面较大的机关枪,那么,劳斯莱斯的营销更像是狙击步枪。

7."Our colleagues in Shanghai are taking a serious look at it, " a Rolls Royce spokesman told the UK's Daily Mail.“我们的同事在上海正在认真地研究它,”一个劳斯莱斯发言人告诉英国每日邮报。

8.Remember not to be so caught up with crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the Rolls Royce that's parking right in front of you.记住不要为丢失一个滑板而嚎啕大哭,因为前面正有一辆劳斯莱斯在等着你。

9.Charles Stewart Rolls, aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce, was killed in an air crash in Dorset.查尔斯·斯图尔特·罗尔斯,飞机师、罗尔斯-罗伊斯工程公司的创建人之一,在多塞特郡死于空难。

10.Rolls-Royce has said the engine failure "was confined to a specific component" which led to an oil fire and loss of turbine pressure.罗伊斯称引擎故障“限于一个特定的组件”,其导致油火和涡轮机失去压力。