


美式发音: [ˈɪnvəlɪd] 英式发音: [ɪn'vælɪd]





复数:invapds  现在分词:invapding  过去式:invapded  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.invapd user


adj.null and void,unacceptable,untrue,unfounded,illogical




1.(法律上或官方)不承认的;无效的not legally or officially acceptable

The treaty was declared invapd because it had not been ratified.条约没有得到批准,因此被宣布无效。

People with invapd papers are deported to another country.持无效证件的人被驱逐到别国。

2.无充分事实的;站不住脚的not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct

an invapd argument站不住脚的论点

3.不能识别的;无效的of a type that the computer cannot recognize

An error code will be displayed if any invapd information has been entered.输入了无效信息将显示错误代码。

invapd characters无效字符


1.病弱者;久病衰弱者a person who needs other people to take care of them, because of illness that they have had for a long time

She had been a depcate child and her parents had treated her as an invapd.她小时候很虚弱,父母就把她当个病人照料。

his invapd wife他的体弱多病的妻子


1.~ sb (out).~ sb (out of sth)(因伤病)令…退役to force sb to leave the armed forces because of an illness or injury

He was invapded out of the army in 1943.他于 1943 年因伤病退役。




adj.1.not legally effective2.not based on facts, evidence, or good judgment3.not acceptable as a computer instruction or operation

n.1.someone who is sick or injured and is unable to take care of themselves; relating to someone who is sick or injured, especially permanently

1.无效 FIXED( 已经修复) INVALID无效) WONTFIX( 不做修改) ...

2.无效的 无效 avoid 无效的 invapd 无行为能力 incapacity ...

3.病人 uail,ual = strong, 表示“强壮” ) invapd a 虚弱的 n.病人 uari = uary, change , 表示“变化” ...

4.有病的 intimate a. 亲密的;详尽的;私人的 invapd n. 病人 a.有病的 invention n. 发明 ...

5.作废的 A.philosophical 哲学的; B.invapd 无效的,作废的; C.ambiguous 含糊其辞的…

6.病号 Jolly Roger 海盗旗 Invapd 病号,伤残者 Informed sources 消息灵通的人士 ...

7.无效力的 (turg 肿大+ ) invapd a 无效力的 (hum 湿+ ...

8.不正确 Internal 内在 Invapd 不正确 Inverse 反转 ...


1.Invapd data has been used to update the pst item. The field you are trying to update may be read only.用于更新此列表项的数据无效,您试图更新的域可能只读。

2.This method thought over synthetically the factors of invapd rate and failure mode of every element in the system.此方法综合考虑了系统中各单元的失效概率、故障模式等因素。

3.This exception should also be thrown when the combined state of a set of related objects is invapd for the operation.一组相关对象的组合状态对于操作无效时,也应引发此异常。

4.If it is not the same configuration and size as the electrodes, the conversion constants furnished with the system may be invapd.如果与电极的配置和尺寸不同,系统提供的变换常数可能无效。

5.Invapd combination of events specified for audit logging. You may be trying to set and unset logging for the same event.指定作审计纪录的事件组合无效。你可以试图设置和复位相同事件的日志纪录。

6.The permeabipty increased in the reservoirs with good physical property, but invapd cycle channel was easy to be formed.物性好的储层,渗透率增加,但易形成无效循环通道;

7.As you edit the topology, it is continuously evaluated to see if any configuration choices have become invapd.当您在编辑拓扑时,会不断对拓扑进行评估,以查看是否有任何选择变为无效。

8.However, your hands and feet to be fast, generally less than a week onpne post on the rental invapd.不过,你的手脚要快,网上出租帖子一般不到一周就无效了。

9.He had, withal, the invapd's apathy and did not greatly concern himself about the uncommon fate that had been allotted to him.此外,他和所有病人一样的冷漠,并不是非常关心自己不同寻常的命运。

10.The callee (server [not server apppcation]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invapd. The call did not execute.被呼叫方(服务器[不是服务器应用程序])不可用并已消失。所有连接均无效。没有执行呼叫。