


美式发音: [ˈkrɔɪdn] 英式发音: [ˈkrɔidən]





n.1.[Travel]part of the London Borough of Croydon

1.克罗伊登 南安普敦 SOUTHHAMPTON 克里伊登 CROYDON 考文垂 COVENTRY ...

4.克里登 London 伦敦(英国首都) Croydon 克洛伊登(英国地名) Thomas Lee Bucky 托马斯.李.巴基 ...

7.克洛敦 Crown 皇冠牌汽车 croydon 克劳伊登布 cru silk 本色丝 ...


1."In the beginning, I thought I'll do whatever it takes, " Ms. Moss said with a laugh. "Anything to get out of Croydon. "“最开始的时候,我想我会不惜一切代价做任何事,”摩斯笑着说,“只要能走出克罗伊登就行。”

2.It's pke finding yourself in Croydon when you expected to be in Trafalgar Square - and just as disappointing.就像你想到伦敦市中心的特拉法加广场,却发现自己只是到了克罗伊登,(Croydon在伦敦南部)实在令人失望。

3.Nicola Tappenden was a 14-year-old schoolgirl, pving in Croydon, when a psychic told her she'd grow up to do something very special.NicolaTappenden是个住在Croydon的14岁女孩,还在上学。有个算命的告诉她长大以后她会做一些特别的事。

4.It's not just people in the Hemel area who have been indulging in panic buying. Motorists as far away as Croydon in Surrey have been at it.不光是赫默尔地区的居民投入恐慌购买,远在萨里郡克罗伊登市的人也在这么做。

5.I first flew from Croydon Airport (when it was still one of London's airports) in 1952 in an Avro Consul.我第一次做飞机是在克罗伊登飞机场,1952年的时候,那是架波音客机。

6.Mockford was a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London.莫克福特是伦敦克罗伊登机场的无线电工作人员。

7.Reports that the South London and Croydon and Clapham area east of Hackney have been burning the perpetrators.报道指出,伦敦南部克罗伊登和克拉珀姆区以及东部的哈克尼区均遭到闹事者焚烧。

8."It's a bit pke Back to the Future where they put banana skins in at one end to make it fly, " said Pag, from Croydon in south London.「它有点像《回到未来》电影里,使用香蕉皮做为时光机飞行的动力来源,」来自伦敦南方柯利顿市的佩格说。

9.To the south of the capital, disturbances flared in Peckham, Lewisham and Croydon where cars and buildings were set on fire.在伦敦南部,佩卡姆(Peckham)、刘易舍姆(Lewisham)与克罗伊登(Croydon)街区均爆发了骚乱,暴徒焚烧了许多汽车与建筑。

10.He is Principal Guest Conductor of the London Mozart Players, based at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon , South London.他是位于伦敦南部克罗伊登市的费尔菲尔德礼堂伦敦莫扎特室内乐团的首席客串指挥。