


美式发音: 英式发音: [rəʊ'zeɪʃɪə]





n.1.a recurring inflammatory disorder of the skin of the nose, cheeks, and forehead that is characterized by swelling, dilation of capillaries, pimples, and a reddened appearance

1.酒渣鼻酒渣鼻Rosacea)又叫酒渣性痤疮,玫瑰痤疮(Acne Rosacea)是一种发生于面部尤其是面中央的弥漫性潮红,伴发丘疹、 …

2.玫瑰痤疮玫瑰痤疮Rosacea)是一种常见的皮肤问题,美国皮肤科医师协会最近在它的官方网站也在讨论这个问题,并给了大家一些 …

3.红斑痤疮红斑痤疮rosacea)又称酒渣鼻,为一种常见慢性炎症疾病,在美国其实际患病病人已超过1300万人,据估计在我国的发病率 …

4.酒糟鼻酒糟鼻Rosacea)又名玫瑰痤疮,中医别名赤鼻、酒齄鼻俗称红鼻子或红鼻头,为常发于面部中央的慢性皮肤炎症。早期表 …

5.酒糟性皮肤炎如果把酒糟性皮肤炎(rosacea)、痤疮、晒伤或湿疹的肤质纳入考量,那这三种分类根本就不够。此外,天气、压力、生理期都 …

6.酒糟肌肤研究更证实,产品有助改善酒糟肌肤Rosacea),减少皮肤红斑。换言之: 粉底比护肤品有更劲的修护效果!!! Peau Vierge Ant…


1.There is no evidence at all that antihistamines are of any benefit in rosacea.没有任何证据表明抗组胺剂在治疗红斑痤疮方面有任何疗效。

2.Azelaic acid, a prescription lotion used for acne, can calm discoloration and inflammation due to rosacea as well.壬二酸,用于治疗痤疮的洗液,可以降低变色和炎症(由于酒渣鼻)。

3.Blepharitis is often associated with systemic diseases such as rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis.睑缘炎常常与全身性疾病如酒渣鼻或脂溢性皮炎相关。

4.By dilating blood vessels, it aggravates the condition known as rosacea, causing worsening of the characteristic redness and flushing.酒精可以扩张管血管,从而加剧皮肤状况产生酒渣鼻,更坏的情况会让皮肤发红和产生红脸。

5.So many moisturizers bother my eyes and cause my rosacea to flare up. I have no problems with this one and it works fine.很多保湿品困扰着我的眼睛,导致酒糟鼻爆发,用这个产品就没有问题,效果很好。

6.All of these properties are especially beneficial for people with rosacea since intrinsic sun sensitivity is a staple of the disease.所有这些成分对于酒糟鼻的病人都是特别有效的,因为这种疾病内在的光敏感区域的产物是一致的。

7.Green tea may also reduce reactions to ultraviolet light as well as the visual signs and symptoms of rosacea.绿茶同样也可以减少紫外线和酒糟鼻的表现和症状一致。

8.In this article, we discuss the diagnosis of these rosacea subtypes and focus on the therapeutics specific to each.在本文中,我们讨论了诊断这些酒渣鼻亚型和专注于每一个具体疗法。

9.The pathogenesis of rosacea is poorly understood, though clinical features of the disease are well-recognized.酒渣鼻的发病机理了解甚少,但临床特征的疾病是公认的。

10.Determining your rosacea triggers is absolutely critical in controlling your rosacea skin condition.确定您酒渣鼻触发是绝对关键控制你的皮肤酒渣鼻条件。