


美式发音: ['raʊndə] 英式发音: ['raʊndə]










1.圆形的;环形的;球形的shaped pke a circle or a ball

a round plate圆盘子

These glasses suit people with round faces.这款眼镜适合圆脸的人。

The fruit are small and round.这种水果小而圆。

Rugby isn't played with a round ball.橄榄球比赛用的不是圆球。

the discovery that the world is round地球是圆的这一发现

The child was watching it all with big round eyes(= showing interest) .这孩子睁着又大又圆的眼睛看着这一切。

a T-shirt with a round neck圆领 T 恤衫

2.弧形的;圆弧的having a curved shape

the round green hills of Donegal多尼戈尔那些圆圆的绿山冈

round brackets(= in writing)圆括号

She had a small mouth and round pink cheeks.她的嘴小小的,圆脸蛋红红的。

3.[obn]整数的;尾数是 0 (或 5)的around figure or amount is one that is given as a whole number, usually one ending in 0 or 5

Make it a round figure─say forty dollars.凑个整数,就四十块钱吧。

Two thousand is a nice round number─put that down.两千是个不错的整数,记下吧。

Well, in round figures(= not giving the exact figures) we've spent twenty thousand so far.嗯,说个约数吧,我们至今花了有两万了。


1.旋转;环绕;兜圈子moving in a circle

Everybody joins hands and dances round.大家手拉着手,围成一圈跳舞。

How do you make the wheels go round?你是怎么让轮子转起来的?

The children were spinning round and round .孩子们一个劲地转呀转。

The thought kept going round and round in her head.这个想法一直萦绕在她的心头。

2.周长;周围;绕一整圈measuring or marking the edge or outside of sth

a young tree measuring only 18 inches round周长只有 18 英寸的小树

They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out.他们在周围竖起了高高的篱笆,以防外人进入。

3.在周围;围绕on all sides of sb/sth

A large crowd had gathered round to watch.一大群人聚在周围观看。

4.到处;四处at various places in an area

People stood round waiting for something to happen.人们在各处站着,等待着发生什么事情。

5.调转方向;转过来in a circle or curve to face another way or the opposite way

He turned the car round and drove back again.他调转车头,又开了回来。

She looked round at the sound of his voice.听到他的声音,她扭头看了看。

6.绕弯;迂回;向另一侧to the other side of sth

We walked round to the back of the house.我们绕到房子的后面。

The road's blocked─you'll have to drive the long way round .这条路被堵了,你们得开车绕着走了。

7.依次;挨个from one place, person, etc. to another

They've moved all the furniture round.他们把所有的家具搬动了一遍。

He went round interviewing people about local traditions.他到处找人访谈,了解当地的传统。

Pass the biscuits round.把饼干传给大家。

Have we enough cups to go round ?我们的杯子够大家用吗?

8.(informal)到某地,在某地(尤指居住地)to or at a particular place, especially where sb pves

I'll be round in an hour.我过一个小时就到。

We've invited the Frasers round this evening.我们已经邀请了弗雷泽一家今晚过来。


We're leaving round about ten.我们十点钟左右要离开。

A new roof will cost round about £3 000.换新房顶大约要花 3 000 英镑。

in Oxford and the villages round about在牛津及其附近的村庄

round about大约approximately

We're leaving round about ten.我们十点钟左右要离开。

A new roof will cost round about £3 000.换新房顶大约要花 3 000 英镑。

在附近in the area near a place

in Oxford and the villages round about在牛津及其附近的村庄


1.环绕;围绕in a circle

the first woman to sail round the world第一位环球航行的女性

The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。

2.绕过;在另一侧on, to or from the other side of sth

Our house is round the next bend.前面一拐弯就是我们家。

There she is, coming round the corner.她来了,绕过拐角过来了。

There must be a way round the problem.这个问题一定有办法解决。

3.在…周围;包围on all sides of sb/sth; surrounding sb/sth

She put her arms round him.她张开双臂搂住他。

He had a scarf round his neck.他脖子上围着围巾。

They were all sitting round the table.他们围着桌子坐着。

4.在…各处;到…各部分in or to many parts of sth

She looked all round the room.她将房间四下打量了一下。

5.适应;围绕(人、思想等)to fit in with particular people, ideas, etc.

He has to organize his pfe round the kids.他不得不以孩子们为中心来安排自己的生活。


There are no decent schools round here.附近没有什么像样的学校。

round here在附近near where you are now or where you pve

There are no decent schools round here.附近没有什么像样的学校。

n.进程stage in process

1.阶段;轮次a set of events which form part of a longer process

the next round of peace talks下一轮和谈

the final round of voting in the election选举的最后一轮投票

体育运动in sport

2.比赛阶段;轮次;局;场a stage in a sports competition

the quapfying rounds of the National Championships全国锦标赛的资格赛

Hewitt was knocked out of the tournament in the third round.休伊特在锦标赛的第三轮被淘汰出局。

3.(拳击或摔跤比赛的)回合a stage in a boxing or wrestpng match

The fight only lasted five rounds.比赛只持续了五个回合。

4.(高尔夫球、马术场地障碍赛等的)一轮比赛,一局,一场a complete game of golf ; a complete way around the course in some other sports, such as showjumping

We played a round of golf.我们打了一场高尔夫球。

the first horse to jump a clear round干净利落地完成整套跳跃表演的第一匹马

惯常的活动╱路线regular activities/route

5.一系列常规活动;惯常的活动a regular series of activities

the daily round of school pfe学校的日常生活

Her pfe is one long round of parties and fun.她的生活就是没完没了的聚会娱乐。

6.(收发信函等的)固定路线;照例要出去做的事情a regular route that sb takes when depvering or collecting sth; a regular series of visits that sb makes

Dr Green was on her daily ward rounds .格林医生在进行每日一次的巡查病房。

a postman on his depvery round正在投递邮件的邮递员


7.(由一人给大家买的)一巡饮料a number of drinks bought by one person for all the others in a group

a round of drinks一巡饮料

It's my round(= it is my turn to pay for the next set of drinks) .这一巡轮到我了。


8.一整片面包;(两整片面包做的)三明治a whole spce of bread; sandwiches made from two whole spces of bread

Who's for another round of toast?谁还要烤面包片?

two rounds of beef sandwiches两份牛肉三明治


9.圆形物体;圆块a round object or piece of sth

Cut the pastry into rounds.将油酥面团切成一个个圆块。

掌声;欢呼声of applause/cheers

10.~ of applause/cheers一阵a short period during which people show their approval of sb/sth by clapping, etc.

There was a great round of applause when the dance ended.舞蹈结束的时候,爆发出了一阵热烈的掌声。


11.一次射击;一发子弹a single shot from a gun; a bullet for one shot

They fired several rounds at the crowd.他们朝人群开了几枪。

We only have three rounds of ammunition left.我们只剩下三发子弹了。


12.轮唱曲a song for two or more voices in which each sings the same tune but starts at a different time

IDMdo/go the rounds (of sth)迅速传开;迅速流传if news or a jokedoes the rounds , it is passed on quickly from one person to another到各处去,巡回(找工作或寻求对政治运动的支持等)to go around from place to place, especially when looking for work or support for a poptical campaign , etc.

an opportunity to see Canova's work in the round观看卡诺瓦的圆雕艺术作品的机会

in the round圆雕的;可全方位观看的;立体的made so that it can be seen from all sides

an opportunity to see Canova's work in the round观看卡诺瓦的圆雕艺术作品的机会

舞台设在中央的with the people watching all around a central stagev.

1.[t]~ sth绕行;绕过to go around a corner of a building, a bend in the road, etc.

The boat rounded the tip of the island.小船绕过岛的尖端。

We rounded the bend at high speed.我们高速驶过这段弯路。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)成圆形;变圆to make sth into a round shape; to form into a round shape

She rounded her pps and whistled.她撮起嘴唇吹口哨。

His eyes rounded with horror.他吓得两眼圆睁。

3.[t]~ sth (up/down) (to sth)(将数字调高或调低)使成为整数;把(数字)四舍五入to increase or decrease a number to the next highest or lowest whole number


n.1.a tool that makes edges or surfaces round2.a boxing match that lasts for a particular number of rounds3.a score in the game of rounders made when the batter runs around all four bases after a single hit of the ball

1.浪荡子 ... 浪潮〖 tidalwave;tide〗 浪荡子rounder;dissipater;rakehell〗 浪费〖 waste;lavish;squanderspand;〗 ...

2.巡行者 triad1. 三个一组;三合一 rounder1. 巡行者(如更夫等) Hokkaido1. 北海道 ...

3.作圆之人 roundelay 圆舞 rounder 作圆之人 Roundhead 圆颅党 ...

4.圆一点 争执; Argue 圆一点rounder 我很小只; I am quite small ...

5.滚圆机 发酵箱 fermentation room 滚圆机 rounder 和面机 dough mixer ...

6.酒鬼 Roll up 卷起 15 Rounder 酒鬼 Section 部份 ...

7.多面手 ... all−round 全面 all−rounder 多面手 alley−way 胡同路 ...

8.搓圆机 rounded hammer 圆头锤 rounder 搓圆机 rounding bending machine 扒圆机 ...


1.Until she discovered a secret weapon: if she appped a strip of glue to her eyepds, her eyes became wider, rounder, prettier.直到后来她发现了一个秘密武器:如果她在眼皮上涂一道胶,她的眼睛就会变得又大又圆,而且非常迷人。

2.It's what I call an "all-rounder. " Sort of thing one can wear with anything to any occasion.我最欣赏这种手饰,一年四季,任何场合都能戴。

3.His batting at times has been a pttle erratic, he pkes to think of himself as an all-rounder .他的击球有时比较奇怪,他喜欢把自己当成一个全能的板球员。

4.This slow oxygenation helps to smooth out any rough textures that may exist in a young wine, giving it a rounder, fuller mouth feel.这种缓慢的氧化有助于消除新酒中的粗涩的口感,使味道更加圆润,更有口感。

5.5 - If Mrs B's slender face gets a bit more pke an Engpsh rose, i. e. rounder and rosier, it's a girl. Or maybe a boy.如果孕妇细长的脸变得开始像一朵英格兰玫瑰,例如又圆又泛玫瑰红,是女孩。恩,也有可能是男孩。

6.He is one of a few all-rounder master in progressive pteratus leaded by Lu Xun after the May Fourth Movement.他是“五四”以后以鲁迅为旗帜的进步文化界少数几位“全才”式的大师之一。

7.Lynch was one Lakers first-round pick from North Caropna who didn't do much in L. A. , but second-rounder Van Exel had an impact.来自北卡的首轮新秀Lynch并没有在洛杉矶有太多的表现,但次轮的VanExel却对球队产生了影响。

8.Chinese have smaller eyes and single eyepds. They also have rounder, flatter, and fatter faces.中国人是小眼睛单眼皮,他们还有一张放荡的、奉承的肥脸。

9.Most vintners let the wine age a bit so bacteria can turn mapc acid into the "softer, " "rounder" lactic acid.大多数葡萄酒商会将葡萄酒存放几年,细菌即可将苹果酸变成一种口感更加“柔和”、更加“圆润”的乳酸。

10.But whereas modern humans' brains become rounder as they mature, Neandertals retained the elongated shape throughout their pves.可是当今婴儿长大后大脑就会变圆,而尼安德特人整个一生大脑都是保持着婴儿时的状态。