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n.1.in Hinduism, the vital generative and creative principle at work in the universe, typically associated with the feminine component of the divine, often embodied as a goddess

1.萨克蒂 Sakina 平静,安慰,神的存在 Sakti 能量,善良 Salal 沙龙白珠树(植 …

3.性力之交会,则以瑜伽来表示。这实是印度教坦特罗的湿婆与性力sakti)的关系,只不过将其改写为佛教的智慧与方便而已。究 …

4.克提 Sakina 平静,安慰,神的存在 Sakti 能量,善良 Salal 沙龙白珠树(植 …

6.性力派 ... Sakari 甜美 女性 美洲土著? Sakti 女性 印度 能量 善良 Krishna 的妻子 ...

8.女生 Syshe 街道 女生 意第绪语 Sakti 能量,善良 女生 印度 Salena 盐 女生 拉 …


1.When I think of Him as active - creating, preserving, and destroying -, I call Him Sakti or Maya or Prakriti, the Personal God.当我认为至上本体是活动——他是创造,维系和毁灭——我称他为萨缇或者摩耶或者帕克瑞提,人格化的神。

2.But the most remarkable experience during this period was the awakening of the Kundapni Sakti , the "Serpent Power" .这个时期的最不寻常体验就是唤醒了昆达里尼能量,“拙火能量”。

3.Sakti , the Creative Power, contains in Its womb the universe, and therefore is the Divine Mother.萨缇,创造的力量,包含在宇宙的子宫内,因此是神圣母亲。

4.According to the Tantra, Sakti is the active creative force in the universe. Siva, the Absolute, is a more or less passive principle.依照坦陀罗,萨缇是创造宇宙的主动力量,绝对者湿婆是或多或少的被动法则。

5.The whole world and everything in it appeared as the Lila, the sport, of Siva and Sakti .整个世界和每件事物都是湿婆和萨缇的运动。

6.Further, Sakti is as inseparable from Siva as fire's power to burn is from fire itself.更进一步地说,萨缇与湿婆不可分割,就像火的燃烧力量是由火本身产生一样。

7.it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute.因为她是萨缇――绝对者不可分割的力量。