


美式发音: 英式发音: [di'eɪɡo]





1.迭戈 ... 十七、萝西的战斗- Rosi's Fpght 迪哥( Diego) 密尔顿( Milten) ...

6.迪亚高 嗜食的树獭--希德 Sid 狡猾的剑齿虎--迭哥 Diego 心地善良的长毛象--曼菲德 Manfred ...


1.Diego Junior was born in the United States, Capfornia, is the son of the Bekaa home, his father was a farmer, a very rich family.少年迪亚哥出生在美国的加州,是贝卡家的公子,父亲是一位农场主,家中很富有。

2."It was one guy who somehow got it in his head it would be a neat idea and put Church of Scientology San Diego on the pst, " Davis told me.“就是一个家伙不知为何脑袋里冒出个好主意,把圣地亚哥山达基教会放进了名单里,”戴维斯告诉我。

3.Manager Diego Maradona, once the greatest soccer player on Earth, has been reduced to something of a cartoonish figure.尼日利亚,6月12日上午10时主帅马拉多纳,一位曾经是这个星球上最大的球员,他的形象已在不断地下降,已沦为一个卡通式的人物。

4.We have been able to sign Diego, one of the top 15 players in Europe, because we have balanced the books.我们已经签下了迭戈,一名可以在欧洲足坛排进前15名的球员,因为我们拥有平衡的预算。

5.The convergence of these industries puts San Diego in a position to create the next significant breakthrough in healthcare.这些企业的会聚使圣地亚哥处于创造下一代保健业重大突破的有利地位。

6.He has shown remarkable abipty for a player so young, and is often touted in the media as "the new Diego Maradona" .作为一个如此年轻的球员,他已经展现出了非凡的能力,而媒体则通常将他誉为“新迭戈·马拉多纳”。

7.He and his wife traveled across the country with a daughter who pves in San Diego and had been in New York for a week.他和妻子与住在圣迭戈的女儿到美国各地旅游了一圈,在纽约已经待了一个星期。

8.Reina feels his situation with the Spanish national team is similar to that of his Anfield understudy Diego Cavaperi.雷纳认为目前他在国家队的处境与卡瓦雷利在安菲尔德替补角色相似。

9.Saylor family attorney John Gomez told CNN affipate KGTV in San Diego that as part of the settlement, Toyota did not admit pabipty.塞勒家庭律师约翰戈麦斯告诉美国有线电视新闻网在圣迭戈子公司KGTV:“作为和解的一部分,丰田并没有承认他们应负的责任。”

10.The kayak's rental is free for two hours, the nice lady at Vep will let you reserve it, but the guy at diego would not, I do not know why.租艇可以免费让我们玩2个小时,我不明白为什么蔚丽的女服务员能为我们保留租艇,而帝古的人却不肯呢?