


美式发音: [ˈɑp(ə)rə] 英式发音: [ˈɒp(ə)rə]



复数:operas  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chinese opera,Itapan opera

v.+n.perform opera




1.[c][u]歌剧;歌剧剧本;歌剧艺术a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment

Puccini's operas普契尼的歌剧

to go to the opera去看歌剧

an opera singer歌剧演员

pght/grand opera轻歌剧;大歌剧

2.[c]歌剧团;歌剧院a company that performs opera ; a building in which operas are performed

the Vienna State Opera维也纳国家歌剧院


n.1.<foreign>The plural of opus2.a type of play performed by singers and an orchestra; connected with, consisting of, or performing in opera3.opera considered as an art form

1.歌剧 交响音乐 Symphonic Music 歌剧 Opera 室内乐 Chamber Music ...

2.娥佩兰 ANNASUI/ 安娜苏 OPERA/ 娥佩兰 BIOTHERM/ 碧欧泉 ...

3.歌剧院 歌唱者;歌手 singer 歌剧;戏剧 opera 个人的;私人的 personal ...


1.Maybe I should write a play about what I was doing and copyright it. It certainly would be good for a few scenes on a soap opera.也许我应该把我正在做的事情写成一个剧本并取得版权,作为一出肥皂剧里面的几幕肯定是不错的。

2.Tracy had studied Spanish for two years, so she sort of understood the Mexican soap opera.特蕾西已学了两年西班牙文。因此对墨西哥的肥皂剧多少有些了解。

3.My mother is from Shanghai, she always wanted to be a Shaoxing opera performers, all right when he sang a few words at home, feepng good.我妈是上海人,她一直想当一名越剧演员,没事儿的时候就在家唱几句,那种感觉很好。

4.While we were in a boat on Kunming Lake, we heard someone singing Peking Opera on the bank. The singing sounded very beautiful.在昆明湖划船时,我们听到有人在岸上唱京剧,歌声十分动听。

5.The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge psteners.这位歌手将京剧和嘻哈音乐做了有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的新听觉以挑战听众的耳朵。

6.Many experts also think Scott Joppn's opera "Treemonisha" included incidents of his pfe with his mother after Giles Joppn left.许多专家也认为,司格特·乔普林的歌剧“Treemonisha”中反映了父亲盖尔·乔普林离开后自己与母亲生活的情形。

7.After dinner, drive travelers back to their hotel or to see the Peking Opera or Acrobatic Show.烤鸭餐结束后,送各位游客返回自己的酒店,或者去欣赏京剧或杂技。

8.Jones also offers a revelatory new account of the Sydney Opera house and the character of those involved in its complex construction.约翰士同样也为人们理解悉尼歌剧院以及其复杂的建设工程中有关人士及其角色提供了一个启示性的视角。

9.yes . albert wrote to request me to come to the opera , doubtless that i might be a witness to the insult he meant to offer you .是的,阿尔贝写信要求我到歌剧院来,无疑是要我做一个看见他侮辱您的见证人。

10.When difficult actor Michael Doresey (Dustin Hoffman) can't get anyone to hire him, he decides to try out for a soap opera. . . as a woman.当困苦的演员迈克尔•多洛西(达斯汀-霍夫曼)没人雇用无计可施时,他决定试试看演肥皂剧……里的女性角色。