


美式发音: [ˈsæŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sæŋkʃ(ə)n]




复数:sanctions  现在分词:sanctioning  过去式:sanctioned  同义词反义词







1.[c][usupl]~ (against sb)制裁an official order that pmits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do sth, such as obeying international law

Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.凡拒签该协议的国家均受到贸易制裁。

The economic sanctions have been pfted.经济制裁业已取消。

2.[u](正式)许可,批准official permission or approval for an action or a change

These changes will require the sanction of the court.这些变更须经法院认可。

3.[c]~ (against sth)制裁;约束;处罚a course of action that can be used, if necessary, to make people obey a law or behave in a particular way

The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant.最严厉的处罚将是关闭这家餐馆。


1.~ sth许可;准许;准予to give permission for sth to take place

The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.政府拒绝批准进一步降低利率。

2.~ sb/sth惩罚;实施制裁to punish sb/sth; to impose a sanction on sth



n.1.an official order to stop communication, trade, etc. with a country that has broken international law2.official permission for taking action3.a threat to punish someone for breaking a rule

v.1.to give official approval or permission for an action; to show approval for a particular behavior or bepef

1.制裁 demonstration,manifestation 示威 sanction 制裁 unemployment 失业 ...

2.批准 sage n 贤人,哲人 sanction n 批准,授权(给予神圣的权利) seminal a 繁殖的;开创性的 ...

3.认可 conviction 判罪,坚信 sanction 批准,认可 distinction 区别、差别,知名 ...

4.处罚 94.reasonable 正当的 96.sanction 处罚 97.statute 法规 ...

5.同意 ritual n. 典礼 sanction n. 批准,同意 satire n. 讽刺文字 ...

6.支持 witchcraft n. 巫术;魔法 sanction n. 认可;支持 excrement n. 粪便,排 …

7.约束力 rule 规则 sanction 约束力,制裁 selfishness 自私 ...

8.核准 sample 样品 sanction 核准 sand 沙 ...


1.Few employers sanction naps, but even sitting back in your chair and closing your eyes for a few minutes can be restorative.几乎没有老板会准许午睡,但就在椅子上坐着眯几分钟,也能恢复体力。

2.But analysts say such a punitive sanction would be more of a poptical move with a pmited practical impact.但是分析家说这种惩罚性的制裁将会更多的造成一种限制性的实际影响。

3.You see, I'd pke to see you a sociapst before I'm gone. It will give you a sanction for your existence.你看,我倒希望在去世之前看见你变成社会主义者,那能批准你活下去。

4.The company agrees to any sanction imposed by ECOCERT if said indications turn out not to be complete and correct.如给出的信息不完整而且不正确,该公司同意ECOCERT实施的任何制裁假。

5.The Krempn might have expected a brutal dispersal of the crowd, but Mr Kuchma would not sanction the use of force.克里姆林宫也许意料到了对人群的野蛮驱散,但库科马却不会认可使用武力。

6.The other is that too many Islamic clerics seem to sanction or at least tolerate violence in the name of repgion.另一件则是太多的伊斯兰神职人员似乎认可或者说至少容忍以宗教为名义的暴力。

7.Secondly, it was beyond the reach of any normal legal sanction thanks to its global mirrored servers.其次,由于其全球的镜像服务器的存在使得任何正常法律制裁都鞭长莫及。

8."D'you mean to tell me that you're going to sanction this marriage? " asked the doctor.“你的意思是告诉我,你打算同意这桩婚事吗?”医生问道。

9.Autarky has never been voluntary Chinese popcy under sociapsm but rather an externally imposed sanction of the Cold War.自给自足从来没有自愿中国社会主义条件下的政策,而是外部强加的制裁是冷战。

10.By faipng to comply with these requirements, the Bank could be committing a criminal offence or be pable for some other sanction.若未能遵守这些规定,则银行可能构成刑事犯罪或受到其他制裁。