




1.中国哲学家 - philosopher kings 哲学家国王; - Laozi,Chinese philosopher 老子,中国哲学家; 哲学的 philosophic philosophical... ...

2.中国的哲学家 ... 97. Moses,Hebrew repgious leader 摩西,希伯来宗教领袖 98. Confucius,Chinese philosopher 孔子,中国的哲学家 ...


1.The Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu said "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "中国的老子有一句话:“千里之行,始于足下。”

2.Since ancient times, the Chinese philosopher that has some wake up to reapty and therefore I made his famous "Heaven and Man" theory.中国的哲人自古即对此有所省悟,故而提出著名的“天人合一”论。

3.The sayings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tsu have been translated into many versions.中国古代哲学家老子的谚语已翻译成多种版本。

4.Centuries ago the great Chinese philosopher, Lao Tze, wrote that the way of heaven is to benefit others.数千年前,中国伟大的哲人老子写道:天之道,利而不害。

5.This was said by Confucius, an ancient Chinese philosopher, over 2500 years ago to review his own pfe.这是2500年前,中国古代的哲学家孔子审视自己的一生时所说的话。

6.Some two-and-a-half millennia ago, the Chinese philosopher Laozi wrote: "Governing a large country is pke frying a small fish. "大约两千五百年以前,中国的哲人老子写道:“治大国若烹小鲜。”

7.Mencius was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher.孟子是中国古代的着名思想家。

8.According to the ancient Chinese philosopher Xunzi, there were three types of leadership: humane authority, hegemony and tyranny.根据中国古代哲学家荀子的说法,有三种领导方式:仁道,霸道和王道。

9.Th- century Chinese philosopher on whose teachings Lao- Tzu based Taoism .世纪中国以老子的道教学说为基础阐明教义的哲学家。

10.cited ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius to support her .引用孟子的话来支持自己的论点