




1.三亚市 Haikou 海口市 Sanya 三亚市 Danzhou 儋州市 ...

2.海口 ... http://www.dianping网址被屏蔽/chongzuo 来宾 http://www.dianping网址被屏蔽/sanya 海口 http://www.dianping网址被屏蔽/haikou 儋州 ...

3.海南 ... 江 西: Nanchang 海 南Sanya 贵 州: Guiyang ...

4.三亚旅游 海口旅游/ haikou/index.html 三亚旅游/ sanya/index.html 网站地图/ data/sitemap.html ...

5.亚龙湾 ... 相关目的地:三亚 Sanya- 相关目的地:亚龙湾 Sanya- ...

6.中国 Santiago 圣地亚哥- 智利 Sanya 三亚- 中国 Seattle 西雅图- 美国 ...

7.海南岛 中国旅游 China Travel 海南岛 Sanya 深圳 Shenzhen ...

8.蜈支洲岛 ... http://www.sz100网址被屏蔽/hainan 三亚 http://www.sz100网址被屏蔽/sanya 蜈支洲岛 http://www.sz100网址被屏蔽/wuzhizhou 天涯海角 ...


1.Without Yalong, 'it would be very hard to sell Sanya' as a top-tier destination, says Mr. Tang of the Sanya tourism board.唐副局长说,如果没有亚龙湾,把三亚打造成顶级度假胜地“就会很难”。

2.Friends who have worked for seven years in Hainan, saying that this season, under such a rain of Sanya is rare.朋友曾在海南工作过七年,说这个季节的三亚下这样的雨也是罕见的。

3.Meanwhile, South African President Jacob Zuma touched down Wednesday morning in Sanya, bringing with him a huge delegation.期间,南非总统雅各布•祖玛周三早上抵达三亚,并带来一个巨大的代表团。

4.Last October some students in my class had a three-day tour of Sanya. This was the second time I had seen the sea.去年十月我们部分同学去三亚三日游,这是我第二次见到大海。

5.The lack of an effective communication channel often led to prolonged strikes and an escalation of violence, as the events in Sanya showed.就如同三亚事件那样,缺乏有效的沟通渠道常导致罢工时间的延长,暴力事件的增多。

6.There are "The ends of the earth" and "Long coconut road" near us, and you could take bus from our hostel to any view port in Sanya.我们附近有天涯海角景区和椰风长廊,其它景区可以从旅舍附近的公交车站坐车直达。

7.Mr Rudd flew to Sanya yesterday for the last leg of his China visit and around-the-world trip.拉德飞抵三亚昨天的最后一站,他的中国之行和环球之旅。

8.There has no direct evidence about tectonic boundary between Qiongzhong terrain and Sanya terrain in Hainan Island.三亚地体与琼中地体之间的构造边界一直没有发现其他任何直接的地质证据。

9.The real estate market tends to be volatile here in Sanya because this city of 500, 000 is a center of the emerging vacation home industry.房地产市场走势在三亚似乎反复无常,因为这里成为了新兴度假村房产中心。

10.The blue ocean is just a stone's throw away, next to a soft white sand beach in Sanya.三亚蔚蓝的海洋近在咫尺,还连着柔软白色的沙滩。