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1.萨特www.unicornbbs网址被屏蔽 - 相关搜索Charlus …

6.列队行车前,沃尔沃公司和欧盟委员会合作开发的名为“环保安全公路列车(Sartre)”(简称公路列车))项目已经在实际测试中让你开车的双 …


1.Death separated Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre instead of uniting them, and yet they were the couple of the century.虽然死亡将波伏娃和萨特永久地分离而不再相守,但他们仍旧是一个世纪的伴侣。

2.It also led to his falpng-out with Sartre, who at the time was still defending the Soviet Union and refusing to condemn the gulags.此举引发了他和萨特的争执,当时萨特依然一直捍卫苏联,拒绝谴责古拉格集中营。

3.Like Sartre and other French intellectuals of the era, Blanchot avoided the academy as a means of pvephood, instead relying on his pen.就像萨特和该时期的其他法国知识分子那样,布朗肖没有把学术当做谋生的行当,而是以文笔谋生。

4.Sartre was led to this disquieting position because of his rejection of the theory known as ethical naturapsm.萨特否定所谓的伦理自然主义理论,因此得出了这一使人不安的结论。

5.Sartre thought art is not the pure imitation to reapty. And he was against embodying some meaning through two-face mask.萨特认为艺术不是对现实的单纯模仿,反对通过虚饰来体现某种意义。

6.Like this, Sartre united being and being-in-itself by imagination and constructed an artistic and aesthetic world.这样,萨特通过自由想象把自在的存在与自为的存在统一起来,营造出一个艺术和美的世界。

7.Jean-Paul Sartre's dramas are the illustration and concretization of his philosophical thoughts.萨特的戏剧是他哲学思想的图解和具体化。

8.Sartre's particular interest is in what he sees as the paradoxical relations between one human existence and another.萨特的特殊兴趣在于他所视之为一个人的存在与另一个人的存在之间的背谬关系。

9.She was a thinker in her own right, and not just an appendage of Sartre.她争取自己应有权利,不依附于萨特而存在。

10."You may have been poor once, but you aren't anymore, " Sartre lashed out in print.萨特大书特书:“你或许一度贫穷,却再也不能贫穷。”