



美式发音: [ˈsɑsɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]



复数:sausages  同义词

n.sausage balloon



n.1.a food that consists of a tube of skin containing very small pieces of meat mixed with spices

1.香肠 pancakes 煎饼 Sausages 香肠 potato bread 土豆面包 ...

2.腊肠)、培根和荷包蛋(Bacon and Eggs)、腊肠(Sausages)、白豆(BakedBeans)、烤西红柿、烤腰子、煎鱼(FriedFish)或腌鱼(Kipp…

3.肉肠 29 Prunes 梅子 28 Sausages 肉肠 22 Cashews 腰果 ...

4.香肠类 发烟性女孩图片 smoky girl 2 香肠图片 sausages 其它水池图片 Another Pool ...

6.肠仔 ... 热炉:西式烟肉 Crispies bacon 肠仔 Sausages 西式火腿 Hams ...

7.德式香肠 ... 掌柜推荐1 Recommend 德式香肠 Sausages 特价 Nearly or Expired ...

8.火腿肠 lemon 柠檬\ sausages 火腿肠\ cheese 奶酪\ ...


1.After bake it, the pig were ready to share and there was some sausages hidden inside.经过烘烤,野猪上桌,大家分享了野猪肚子里的火腿肠。

2.It used to be said, for instance, that you could eat Donnelly's sausages on a Friday -- even on a Good Friday.以前经常说你可能在星期五吃多纳利的香肠,即使是在耶稣受难日。

3.Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages).俄罗斯人热情好客,所以如果你来做客,准备好饮用红茶,吃肥腻的食物(比如腊肠)吧。

4.In Taipei, Taiwan's capital, cleaner Wu Jen-ai was buying sausages but said the gloomy economy was forcing her to cut back.在台湾的商业中心台北市,清洁工吴金爱正在购买香肠,但是她说经济的不景气使得她不得不缩减了开支。

5.I watched a Japanese tourist bite into a chorizo and get so excited he insisted his wife snap his picture in front of the sausages.我看到一位日本游客吃了一口西班牙辣香肠之后,兴奋到坚持要他太太帮他在香肠前照张相片。

6.sausages for us all and his pockets would be magically filled with sweets -- and very, very occasionally -- he'd take us out for ice cream.他还会烤香肠给我们吃,而且他的口袋里会奇迹般地装满糖果;偶尔,他会带我们出去吃冰淇淋。

7.Moreover we offer every time fresh made sandwiches and a delicious range of typical German sausages for a great German meal at home.我们还提供可供居家享用的新鲜制作的德式三明治和各种美味经典的德式香肠。

8.Ralph, Jr. lies in bed slurping a string of raw pork sausages like spaghetti. The Devil talks to him in a raspy voice.小拉尔夫躺在床上啧啧有声地嚼着一串生猪肉腊肠,就像在吃意大利面一样。恶魔用一种焦燥的声音和他谈话。

9.Russian was attacked by his pet alligator after he tried to show off to friends at a boozy party by feeding it sausages.大河网讯一名俄罗斯商人为了向朋友炫耀自己所养的鳄鱼,不惜亲自用香肠喂饲,结果惨遭鳄鱼袭击。

10.And the next morning Dad and the kids wake up to the sounds and smells of Mom preparing pancakes and sausages for breakfast.第二天早上,爸爸和孩子们在妈妈准备早餐发出的声响和薄饼、香肠散发的香味中醒来。