


美式发音: [ˈsæksən] 英式发音: [ˈsækʃ(ə)n]






n.1.a member of a group of German people who came to live in England in the 5th and 6th centuries a.d.

1.撒克逊人 Angles 盎格鲁族 Saxons 撒克逊族 Jutes 朱特族 ...

5.撒克逊时期在这个人口不足一万人的小镇,却可看到撒克逊时期Saxons)保留至今的产业遗产,或许令你更为了解生产业与伦敦时安装 …


1.It is impossible to say how much the speech of the Angles differed from that of the Saxons or that of the Jutes.想说明盎格鲁人的语音与萨克森人的或朱特人的有什么不同是不可能的。

2.For the time being, though, almost everyone seems to have it in for the Anglo-Saxons.不过,当前几乎所有人似乎都对盎格鲁-撒克逊人怀恨在心。

3.The long years of being lectured about their inadequacies by the Anglo-Saxons were over.被盎格鲁撒克逊人训斥得一无是处的漫长岁月终于一去不复返了。

4.Some say he was a Roman, others say a Briton fighting the invading Saxons, but there is no proof of his existence.有些人说他是一个罗马人,也有人说他是和入侵的萨克逊人斗争的大不列颠人,然而并没有亚瑟存在的证明。

5.Rhodes believed that the Anglo-Saxons were the finest of all races, and the British empire was God's instrument to maximise their influence.罗兹认为,盎格鲁撒克逊人是所有种族中最优秀的,大不列颠帝国是上帝用来实现最大范围布道的工具。

6.At the beginning of ninth century, under their king Egbert the West Saxons of defeated the Mercies.九世纪初,在国王埃格伯特的带领下,西撒克逊人打败了麦西亚人。

7.Anglo Saxons were known locally as "Americans. " The hierarchy of nationalities was expressed in a way peculiar to the region.盎格鲁撒克逊人被当地人把它称为“美国人”。层次的民族是一个地区特有的方式表达。

8.In very early times the Angles and Saxons began to trade with the Celts in England.很早以前,盎格鲁人和撒克逊人就开始同英格兰的凯尔特人做生意了。

9.a battle in which the Danes defeated the East Saxons in 991; celebrated in an old English poem.丹麦人在991年战胜东撒克逊的一次战斗;用一首老的英语诗庆祝。

10.Anglo-Saxons worshipped Eastre, a goddess of Spring and fertility, whose sacred animal was the hare.盎格鲁—萨克逊人崇拜代表春天和掌控生育的女神伊斯特,而她的神物正是兔子。