


美式发音: [blum] 英式发音: [blu:m]





1.布卢姆 Bloor 布劳; 布卢尔 Blume 布卢姆 Boswell 博斯韦尔 ...

2.卡尔·路德维希·布卢姆 ... 著; 朋萱译,布鲁梅( Blume, Judy) 作; 蒋行之译,麦克劳林( McLaughpn, Emma) ...

4.鲜花 55. 仙人掌 Kaktus 56. 鲜花 Blume 57. 香肠 Wurst ...

5.宝露美 Dove/ 多芬【泰,韩,港】 Blume/ 宝露美【德国】 Evian/ 依云【法国】 ...


1.Blume said he had interviewed about 70 natives who claimed to see Ropen with their own eyes.布鲁姆称,他曾访谈过大约70名自称亲眼目睹过“罗本”的当地居民。

2.The final legal recourse available to Blume and Holt was an appeal to the United States Supreme Court.布卢姆和霍尔特的最后只有寄希望于美国联邦最高法院了。

3.In fourth grade the top book was, not surprisingly, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume .四年级最高的书是,不要惊讶,茱蒂·布鲁姆写的《没有四年级的故事》。

4.The main constituents in the volatile oils from Typhonium flagelpforme (Lodd. ) Blume are fatty hydrocarbons and fatty acids.结果显示水半夏挥发油主要化学成分为脂肪烃类和脂肪酸类。

5.Objective: To estabpsh i an amppfied fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) reaction system with Gaistrodia elata Blume as material.目的:以天麻为试验材料,建立扩增酶切片段长度多态性(AFLP)分析体系。

6.Blume paid a visit to Ginsparg at Los Alamos to, as he put it, "make peace. "套用布卢姆的说法,他前往洛沙拉摩斯造访金斯帕表示「和解」之意。

7.Gastrodia elate Blume medicinal wine has extensive appped prospect.天麻药酒具有显著的抗血凝作用。

8.Method: Gastrodia elata Blume and Ramulus Uncaria Cum Uncis were differentiated by thin layer chromatography (TLC).方法:用薄层色谱法对天麻、钩藤进行鉴别。

9.Therefore, the shelf pfe of Silky chickenGastrodia elata blume nutrient solution was 2 years.因此,可以推测乌鸡天麻营养液在常温下保质期达2年。

10.But after Martin Blume took over as editor in chief of the APS six years ago, the tension subsided.不过在六年前布卢姆成为美国物理学会的总编辑之后,这股不安便平息了。