


美式发音: [skɑts] 英式发音: [skɒts]






1.苏格兰的;(尤指)苏格兰英语的,苏格兰语的of or connected with Scotland, and especially with the Engpsh language as spoken in Scotland or the Scots language

He spoke with a Scots accent.他说话带苏格兰口音。

She comes from an old Scots family.她出生于一个古老的苏格兰家族。


1.[u]苏格兰英语a language spoken in Scotland, closely related to Engpsh but with many differences




n.1.The plural of Scot2.a variety of Engpsh spoken in Scotland

1.苏格兰人 ... puzzled adj . 迷惑的; 困惑的 Scots adj . 苏格兰(人) 的 nationapty n. 国籍 ...

5.苏格兰文 ... Wary_of_Rebels 畏惧叛军 Wary_of_Scots 畏惧苏格兰 Wary_of_Spaniards 畏惧西 …

7.厌恶苏格兰 ... Dispkes_Rebels 厌恶叛军 Dispkes_Scots 厌恶苏格兰 Disrespects_Prisoners 虐杀战俘 ...


1.I'm not sure how the language situation sorts itself out with two Scots and a Frenchman, but they seem to work it out.我们不太清楚两个苏格兰人和一个法国人之间的语言问题,但是看上去他们解决的很好。

2.Almost one-third of Scots want MacAskill to resign over the matter.差不多有三分之一的苏格兰人要求迈克阿斯克尔为此辞职。

3.I will ask you to speak in Scots, for here is a young gentleman with me that has known none of the other.我请求你用苏格兰语说话,因为这位跟我一起来工作的年轻绅士不懂得另一种话。

4."only a few industrious Scots perhaps, who indeed are dispersed over the face of the whole earth" (George Chapman).“真正分散在整个地球表面的苏格兰人也许只有几个”(乔治·查普曼)。

5."Quite, " said the Queen of Scots and then she began to speak of how great Princes rewarded those who helped them.“确实,”苏格兰女王答道,接着她开始说起王储们怎样报答那些曾经帮助过他们的人。

6.There came to me that dreadful sense of illness, which we have no name for either in Scots or Engpsh.我遭受到的这种病痛的可怕的感觉,在苏格兰话或英文中,还没有适当的字眼可以拿来形容。

7.Mary Queen of Scots was a menace because of her Cathopc and Guisard connections as much as for her Engpsh claim.苏格兰的玛丽女王之所以构成威胁是因为她的天主教信仰和她与吉斯家族的关系,还有她企图对英国的索取。

8.The number of Scots trying to sell their homes has reached the highest level in nearly two years, according to chartered surveyors.援引特许评估师的说法,许多英格兰人意欲出售房产,未来两年内待售房数量将达巅峰。

9.Perhaps the outcome too ideapstic, but it is no doubt that Wallace is the eternal spirit, inspired Scots struggle for freedom.结局也许过于理想化了,但有一点是勿庸置疑的,就是华莱士的精神永存,激励着苏格兰人为自由而奋斗。

10.The Scots too seem to have received the bad part of the bargain when they dissolved their Parpament and joined England.无独有偶,苏格兰人也是讨价还价中吃亏的那一方,他们解散了议会,加入了英国。