


美式发音: [ˈlɑtə] 英式发音: [ˈlɒtə]

na.〈美俚〉同“a lot of”




na.1.〈美俚〉同“a lot of”

na.1.<slang,AmE>Same as a lot of2.a way of writinglot ofthat shows how it sounds in informal conversation

1.洛塔 酒吧9 bar 3-1 洛溚_ Lotta 00:31 酒吧9 bar ...

3.罗塔 ... 弗司克 Fisica 罗塔 Lotta 安琪 Angie ...

4.许多 Roger 的爱称) lotta <口>许多(= crematorium n. 火葬场(亦作 ...

5.上乌拉的女儿乐塔警方昨晚已联络上乌拉的女儿乐塔(Lotta),乐塔表示,年满九十七岁的乌拉已难以独自照顾自己,从去年年初开始持续申请入住 …

6.李家瑞他的女儿李家瑞(Lotta)已于1947年赴美国留学,他也就想去美国。事有凑巧,1948年底,根据中美文化交流协议,美国国务院 …


1.But there was just a hell of lottapoptical infighting, and. . .但是有一大堆的政治内讧还有…

2.It's a time of big smiles, full tummies and a whole lotta love.这是一个充满了欢笑,饱饱的肚子和爱的时刻。

3.Why, Bobby Gilpan, there's only one reasonable thing you could do. You can go buy Miss Lotta Lauriere a diamond necklace with the money.为什么,鲍比阿娇,只有一个合理的事情你可以做,你可以去购买洛塔Lauriere小姐与钱的钻石项链。

4.When I was a kid, there was someone in my family, an adult, and whenever I saw them, they would say, "You got a lotta nerve. "当我还是个小孩的时候,我家中的某个人,一个成年人,每当我看他时,他就会说,“你很有胆量”。

5.Man. It's a wallet. Don't matter if it cost a lotta money. What matters is if they's any money in it.啊!是个皮包。那皮包是不是值很多钱不重要。重要的是,里面有没有钱。

6.There's a lotta love out there, you know, man?这里充满了爱,不是吗?

7.If Long Longman loaded a lotta long logs, then where are all the long logs.如果朗。朗曼装入很多根长的木头,那么,朗。朗曼装的那些长长的木头。

8.I'm a young man, wit a whole lotta cash, just lookin' for a lady I can spend on.我是一个年轻的男人,能靠智慧得到金钱,只要看看我为女士花的钱。

9.Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.好的判断力来自经验,更多的来自坏的判断力

10.Love Lisa SPF 15 Lip Balm is infused with soothing orange essential oils and a whole lotta love!爱丽莎SPF15润唇膏是充满了舒缓的橙精油和整个洛塔爱!