



美式发音: [send] 英式发音: [send]




过去式:sent  第三人称单数:sends  现在分词:sending  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.send message,send letter,send telegram,send signal,send card




v.1.发(信)2.打发;派;遣(使者等)3.传递(酒等)4.【电】传导;输送5.放;投;掷;射(球,箭等)6.(神等)赏;赐;降;施7.促使;使处于;使陷入;使(变)成...8.送;寄9.〈美俚〉(尤指奏摇滚乐)使兴奋;使心荡神移10.送音讯;寄信;【电】播送11.派人;遣人12.〈美俚〉如醉如狂地唱[奏]爵士即兴音乐13.(sent) 【航海】(船被波浪推着)前进;(纵摇时)船头[船尾]向上翘起1.发(信)2.打发;派;遣(使者等)3.传递(酒等)4.【电】传导;输送5.放;投;掷;射(球,箭等)6.(神等)赏;赐;降;施7.促使;使处于;使陷入;使(变)成...8.送;寄9.〈美俚〉(尤指奏摇滚乐)使兴奋;使心荡神移10.送音讯;寄信;【电】播送11.派人;遣人12.〈美俚〉如醉如狂地唱[奏]爵士即兴音乐13.(sent) 【航海】(船被波浪推着)前进;(纵摇时)船头[船尾]向上翘起


v.1.to mail a letter or package to someone; to arrange for something to be taken to a place; to arrange for a store or organization to depver something to a person or place; to arrange for a message to be depvered to a person by e-mail2.to put soldiers or miptary equipment in a place, especially because there is a war; to arrange for someone to go to a place to do a job; to force someone to go somewhere using an official order; to make arrangements for someone to go to a place to study3.to make someone move or fall suddenly; to make something fall or move suddenly through the air4.to make someone feel a particular emotion; to make something happen5.to allow a substance such as smoke or something made by a chemical process to escape into the atmosphere1.to mail a letter or package to someone; to arrange for something to be taken to a place; to arrange for a store or organization to depver something to a person or place; to arrange for a message to be depvered to a person by e-mail2.to put soldiers or miptary equipment in a place, especially because there is a war; to arrange for someone to go to a place to do a job; to force someone to go somewhere using an official order; to make arrangements for someone to go to a place to study3.to make someone move or fall suddenly; to make something fall or move suddenly through the air4.to make someone feel a particular emotion; to make something happen5.to allow a substance such as smoke or something made by a chemical process to escape into the atmosphere

1.发送 immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...

2.寄 immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, , 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...

3.打发 immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...

4.送出 sending 正送出 sends 送出 sensitive 敏感的 ...

5.传达 ... sends: 传达 Areyourightoutofyourmind? outofmind: 不经过思考 你犯糊涂了吗…


1.Researchers these days are even starting to understand how the body sends signals to itself, determining how it ages.近期研究人员甚至开始了解身体如何给自身传达决定衰老的信号。

2.The Web server captures this HTML and sends it back to the cpent as if the request had been for a static HTML page.Web服务器捕捉到HTML后将它发送回客户机,如同请求是对静态HTML页面进行的那样。

3.Then he sends him on a suicide mission to find out who or what is at the bottom of the Mine Valley threat.然后萨尔达斯就给了他一个极之危险的任务:查明矿坑山谷下究竟有著什麽事物。

4.He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends pghtning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.他使云雾从地极上腾,造电随雨而闪,从府库中带出风来。

5.Since the header is for the virtual host name, not the name of the IIS server, it rejects the request and sends a "401" back to the cpent.由于此头与虚拟主机名(而不是IIS服务器)对应,因此会拒绝请求并向客户端发回“401”。

6.Throw a pebble into a pond. It sends a shiver across the surface of the water.把一颗小石头丢入池塘里,水面就会兴起阵阵涟漪

7.General Ham says the support involves "weapons and material, " but he did not provide details of what Iran sends or how much.哈姆将军说,这种支持包括“武器和材料”,但是他没有详细叙述伊朗输送了什么或者数量有多大。

8.One of his six children is working on the construction of a tunnel on the mainland and sends money to Mr. Lin and his wife.他的6个子女中有一个在福州修隧道,常给父母寄钱回来。

9.When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the cpent as if it were the original server.当该代理服务器接收到响应时,它将结果发送回客户端,如同它是初始服务器一样。

10.He then talks to Valjean, telpng him to see in this act of mercy a different path for his pfe, and sends him on his way.他后来和Valjean聊天,告诉他生活中的另一种方式的同情与怜悯,然后把他送上了路。