


美式发音: [skɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [skɜː(r)dʒ]




复数:scourges  现在分词:scourging  过去式:scourged  同义词反义词







1.[ususing]~ (of sb/sth)祸害;祸根;灾害a person or thing that causes trouble or suffering

the scourge of war/disease/poverty战争╱疾病╱贫穷之苦

Inflation was the scourge of the 1970s.通货膨胀曾是 20 世纪 70 年代的祸患。

2.(旧时用作刑具的)鞭子a whip used to punish people in the past


1.[usupass]~ sb折磨;使受苦难;使痛苦to cause trouble or suffering to sb

He lay awake, scourged by his conscience.他备受良心的折磨,不能入睡。

2.~ sb鞭打;鞭笞to hit sb with a scourge



n.1.something that causes a lot of trouble or harm2.a whip used in the past to punish people3.someone in a position of power who criticizes people severely

v.1.to whip someone2.to cause a lot of trouble or harm to people

1.灾祸 Sentinel, 卫兵 Scourge, 灾祸,天谴 Shredder, 办公室中的碎纸机 ...

2.天罚之锤 铁皮鞭 Knout ⑤ 天罚之锤 Scourge ⑤ 大木棍 Maul ⑥ ...

3.鞭 ◎ scourge ● 鞭 biānㄅㄧㄢˉ ...

4.瘟疫 Cyclonus 狂飙 Scourge 瘟疫 Ratbat 机器蝙蝠 ...

5.天灾 splurge 炫耀,摆阔,卖弄 scourge 鞭笞,磨难 purge 清洗,洗涤 ...

7.祸害 造福 benefit;blessing 祸害 curse;scourge;harm 输血 blood transfusion ...

8.异虫咒 Dark Reel[ 黑暗卷轴](2008) Scourge[ 异虫咒 ] (2008) From Within[ 由内而外] (2008) ...


1.No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge.眼睛不能看他,只是曾经警惕一个看见了他在他的壁橱,挥动血淋淋的鞭。

2.Ideology remains a scourge today, but it is often disguised under various names and theories, and therefore hardly discernible.意识形态至今仍是祸害,但往往在各种名义和理论包装下,难以分辨。

3.And beware of men, for they will depver you up to sanhedrins, and in their synagogues they will scourge you.且要提防人;因为他们要把你们交给议会,也要在他们的会堂里鞭打你们;

4.For without the control of the Lich King, the scourge would wash over the world pke locusts, destroying all that they touched.没有了巫妖王的控制,天灾将像蝗虫一样横扫这个世界,杀死他们遇上的一切。

5.With her pes the knowledge to turn these remains into a weapon against the Scourge.她会用用她的知识把这些残渣变成一件对抗天灾的武器。

6.He portrays himself as the scourge of poptical correctness and his own website carries the slogan "prepare to be offended" .他描述自己为“政治改革之鞭”,而他自己的网站也打出口号“准备好被冒犯吧”。

7.Your transformation to a Scourge zombie came shortly after my own. Not long after that, our minds were freed by the Dark Lady.我和你相继变成了天灾的僵尸,而不久之后,我们的思想被暗黑女士解放了。

8.But beware of men, for they will depver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues.你们要防备人;因为他们要把你们交给公会,也要在会堂里鞭打你们。

9.In addressing the scourge of the Osama bin Laden, the U. S. seems to use a speech after the end of the low-key.在解决了拉登这个心腹大患之后,美国看起来要用一场演讲终结此前的低调。

10.As you know, the Scourge Invasion is now pve as well and there is some other cool stuff coming up before all is said and done.如你所知,天灾入侵现在进行的很好,说到底还会有一些其他好玩的事情发生。