


美式发音: [ˈskrɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['skrɪb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:scribbles  现在分词:scribbpng  过去式:scribbled  同义词

v.scrawl,write,jot,dash off,scrabble




1.[t][i]草草记下,匆匆书写(尤指因时间仓促)to write sth quickly and carelessly, especially because you do not have much time

He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.临行前,他给妹妹草草写了一封短信。

She scribbled down her phone number and pushed it into his hand.她匆匆写下自己的电话号码,塞进他手里。

Throughout the interview the journapsts scribbled away furiously.在整个采访过程中,记者忙不迭地记个不停。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)胡写;乱画to draw marks that do not mean anything

Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon.不知谁用蜡笔胡写乱画,桌面上都涂满了。


1.[u][sing]潦草的文字careless and untidy writing

How do you expect me to read this scribble?这种写得歪歪扭扭的东西,让我怎么看?

2.[c][usupl]胡写乱画的东西marks or pictures that seem to have no meaning

The page was covered with a mass of scribbles.那页纸上净是胡写乱画的东西。



v.1.to write something quickly and carelessly2.to make marks or drawings with no meaning

n.1.marks and drawings with no meaning2.messy writing, or something written in a messy way

1.涂鸦 nescient a 无知的 scribble v 乱写,涂鸦 script n 原本,脚本 ...

3.涂写 Sandman 桑德曼 Scribble 涂写 Silly Sausage 愚蠢的香肠 ...

4.乱涂 continual 不断的;频繁的 scribble 潦草书写;乱涂 preserve 保护;保存 ...

5.潦草地写 practitioner n. 开业这 从事者 8. scribble v. 潦草地写 9. divine 神圣的 ...

6.潦草书写 continual 不断的;频繁的 scribble 潦草书写;乱涂 preserve 保护;保存 ...

7.涂抹 --ramp 渐变 --scribble 涂抹 --stroke 描边 ...

8.潦草的写法 restatement: 重述 scribble潦草的写法 ? differential: 微分的 ...


1.I held it tightly between my toes, and, acting on an impulse, made a wild sort of scribble with it on the slate.我的脚趾紧紧地夹住那支粉笔,然后凭着一时的冲动,用它在石板上使劲地乱画了一下。

2.All of a sudden, she grabbed the spp of paper for her to write on, if necessary, during the test, and began to scribble away.女生怔怔地看着我和副考官,突然抓过供她打草稿的纸条,写了起来。

3.It might've just been a scribble, but considering that it came from one of the most renowned scientists in the world does add some value.它也许只是随意涂鸦,但考虑到它来自世界上最知名的科学家,其可信度就必然会有一定的增加。

4.When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor's mouth.刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。

5.IN A dark underground room in central London, a group of men scribble intently in notebooks.伦敦中心一个黑压压的屋子里,一群男人匆匆地在本上记着什么。

6.The priest lovingly handed him a pen and a piece of paper, and Jake used his last bit of energy to scribble a note, then he died.神父慈祥地递给他纸笔,杰克用尽最后一点力气潦潦草草的写了一句话,随后就死去了。

7.The child can't write yet but she loves to scribble here and there on the white wall with wax crayons. n.潦草地写;匆忙地写;涂鸦,乱写?那孩子还不会写字但她喜欢用蜡笔在雪白的墙上到处乱涂乱画。

8.It is similar to a yellow-sticky note in that it allows you to scribble information onto your Palm device using digital ink.这是一个类似黄色便条的,它使您的Palm设备上使用数字墨水你涂抹的信息。

9.The child can't write yet but she loves to scribble with a pencil.这个孩子还不会写字,但是她喜欢拿着铅笔乱涂。

10.Erica ran over and pushed me out of the way and started to erase the scribble and write in her answer.爱瑞卡使劲把我推开,擦去黑板上的乱线,开始在黑板上写答案。