


美式发音: [ˈreɪdʒɪŋ] 英式发音: ['reɪdʒɪŋ]





Adj.+n.raging fire





1.强烈的very strong

a raging appetite/thirst极强的食欲;口渴难耐

raging jealousy强烈的忌妒心

2.极其强大的;猛烈的very powerful

a raging storm狂风暴雨

The stream had become a raging torrent.小河变成了一条汹涌的急流。

The building was now a raging inferno.这座大楼现在正烈焰熊熊。

3.很严重的;很痛苦的very strong or painful

a raging headache剧烈的头痛

4.严重的;激发强烈感情的very serious and causing strong feepngs

His speech has provoked a raging debate.他的演讲激起了激烈的争论。



adj.1.happening with a lot of force or violence2.very serious, painful, or strong3.involving very strong emotions

v.1.The present participle of rage

1.狂暴的 radiate v. 散发,发出 raging a. 狂暴的 reassure v. 使安心,使放心;使消除疑虑 ...

2.狂怒的 partygoers n. 社交聚会常客 raging adj. 狂怒的 banished vt. 流放, 驱逐, 消除 ...

3.愤怒的 ragi 鸭脚稗 raging 愤怒的 ragingly 发狂地 ...

4.熊熊,中国足球必然能被推向一个新的低度,祝贺中国足球如熊熊(Raging)之火红红(Red)焚烧。” 庆典实行到结果的飞腾,球迷的 …

5.丶肆虐X Mw 没人要的孩纸 Raging 丶肆虐X aaa 离 00:09 ...

6.猛烈 ... 狂信 Fanatic 猛烈 Raging 狂怒 Furious ...


1.Box-office riches, pke so much of the female population of this planet, follow him from continent to continent, nursing a raging crush.票房大胜,世界上这么多女性对他的青睐,从一个洲蔓延到另一个洲,对他的热情还在渐渐增长。

2.But I haven't heard of any raging epidemics among the hundreds of thousands of people buying cross-border.但是我至今未听说有任何传染病在千千万万购买邻国药品的人中传播蔓延。

3.Just a few months ago Beijing was raging against a proposed "Buy American" clause included in the US economic rescue package.仅在数月前,中国还对美国经济救助方案中包含的“购买美国货”条款提出强烈批评。

4.Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.外面,抗日战争正打得如火如荼,但我却像娘胎里的婴儿那样安全。

5.During most raging storms, the water a hundred fathoms (600 feet) beneath the surface is just as calm as on a day without a breath of wind.在多数发怒的风暴期间,水一一百英寻(600英尺)在表面之下是正安静象在一天没有微风。

6.The war had been raging in Europe for four terrible years by the time Patton's tank crews were ready to fight.待巴顿的坦克人员可以出战时,欧洲战事已经肆虐四年之久。

7.The civil war that's been raging in Syria for a year and a half has reached across a border.在叙利亚长达一年的内战已将战火燃至跨边境。

8.I hate to be near the sea, and to hear it roaring and raging pke a wild beast in its den.我讨厌去海边,听那海的咆哮声,像一只在穴里暴怒的野兽一样。

9.After a few days, pke the flowers pke a raging fire burning in all directions.过了几天,花儿像熊熊烈火似的向四面八方燃烧着。

10.After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave struck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once.当我们被赶出了四,五英里,汹涌浪潮来袭我们这样拼命,这溢流一次船。