



美式发音: [ˈskʌri] 英式发音: ['skʌri]


v.急匆匆地走;急赶 (away; off);使急赶;催促


过去式:scurried  第三人称单数:scurries  现在分词:scurrying  同义词反义词




v.1.急匆匆地走;急赶 (away; off)2.使急赶;催促


v.1.to move fast with small quick steps2.to hurry to do something or to get something

1.急赶 relevant 有关的 scurry 急赶 moisture 湿气 ...

2.急转 sculpture n. 雕塑品 scurry vi. 急转,疾行 sea journey n. 海上航行 ...

3.疾走 scruple 顾忌 scurry 疾走 scuttle 煤箱 ...

4.快跑 v. | 评论 scurry 快跑(飞散) scramble 攀缘,争取 ...

5.疾趋 ◎ 疾忙[ rush] ◎ 疾趋[ scurry] ◎ 疾如雷电[ at an extreme speed] ...

6.快步急跑 ribbon 带状物 scurry 快步急跑;疾走 shine 明显流露 ...

7.急匆匆地走 give ear to 倾听,发怒 scurry 急匆匆地走 rippled 泛起涟漪 ...


1.Tiny spiders dripped from the wand and scurried toward their prey, growing rapidly as they went until each was the size of a man's hand.一群群微小的蜘蛛从法杖上落下,急迫地扑向猎物,边跑边长大,直至每个都变成手掌大小。

2.The child scooped her uncounted change into her coin purse, grabbed her package and scurried out the door.那小女孩一把抓起零钱数也没数就放到零钱包里,匆匆忙忙走出了店门。

3.Less-anxious mice did not avoid handlers that restrained them by the scruff of the neck, whereas tail-snatched mice scurried away.抓其颈背,较少焦虑的小鼠不避处理器约束他们,同时抓住小鼠尾基部直接提起小鼠会急忙跑开。

4.But as he spoke, his voice was drowned out by the muezzin's call to prayer - we were next to a mosque, and he scurried off.还没等说完,他的声音就浸没在宣礼员召唤祈祷的声音里--我们站的地方靠近一座清真寺,于是他匆匆离开了。

5.Every so often one of the creatures scurried out to pick up a bit of discarded string or clean up after a passing pzard mount.偶尔会有一个狗头人急匆匆窜出,捡起一小段线绳或跟在刚刚经过的骑乘蜥蜴后面清理。

6.I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diapers.为了照顾到每一个孩子:体温计、果汁、尿布,我忙得团团转,感觉越来越累。

7.His mother scurried over, worried. . . but I reassured her that her son wasn't bothering me.他妈妈担忧地快步走来。不过我稳定了她的情绪,说她的儿子并没有打搅到我。

8.Today I got up a pttle earper and scrabbled for dressing up. Then I scurried to the kitchen and ignited the gas for boipng water.今天我早些起床然后挣扎着穿上衣服,急跑到厨房,打开煤气煮水。

9.Chiang scurried diplomatically, making concessions to Moscow in the hope of being allowed at least to partition Manchuria.蒋急忙在外交上作出让步,希望至少能够与中共共同占领满洲。

10.Dickey, who feared for her cat, then called Jack home and the bear scurried back to the woods.担心爱猫的迪奇这才呼叫杰克回家,这头熊才匆匆的回到树林。